provides simple, safe, and secure mobile ID authentication solutions. Our cloud API and paired image capture SDK empower applications to more seamlessly collect customer information and authenticate the identity of their users.
This SDK requires an API key issued by in order to submit documents to our cloud. If you wish to test out the SDK, please contact Confirm to receive your demo API key.
- Xcode 7.0 or later
- Supports target deployment of iOS Version 8.1 and architectures arm7, arm7s, arm64
Seeing how someone else is using the SDK is the easiest way to learn. To see the SDK in action, feel free to check out the bundled Sample app by opening Sample/Sample.xcodeproj
in Xcode.
Coming Soon
- Download latest version of the SDK
- Add the confirm_sdk.framework to your Xcode project
- In the
tab of the project'sTARGETS
section, dragconfirm_sdk.framework
toEmbedded Binaries
- Add the
, andMTImage.framework
in the same manner. - Include
#import <confirm_sdk/confirm_sdk.h>
in the source files that will use the SDK. - In
Build Settings
turnEnable Bitcode
- We are working with our various partners to get everyone onboard and set it toYES
. But for now, for security reasons, it has to beNO
. - Depending on where you added the confirm_sdk.framework to your source tree, you may have to add a "Framework Search Path" to your
Build Settings
. Something like$(PROJECT_DIR)/Frameworks
may be required (if you put the framework in a folder called "Frameworks") - As of iOS 10.x Apple requires you to have an essay question about why you're using the camera. In your app's info.plist, add
Privacy - Camera Usage Description
entry with a little story about why you're using the camera to capture images of your ID.
The SDK is split into two core components:
- Intelligent document image capture of both the front and back of the user's ID.ConfirmSubmit
- Submission of captured imagery and data to (requires API key)
Before the two core components, we need to talk about initialization. To kick off the necessary things.
In your AppDelegate's application:didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:
method, make the calls
#import <confirm_sdk/confirm_sdk.h>
- (BOOL)application:(UIApplication *)application didFinishLaunchingWithOptions:(NSDictionary *)launchOptions
// required
ConfirmSubmit.singleton.apiKey = @"{the API key assigned from}};
// optionally
[ConfirmSubmit.singleton setMorphoTrustAPIKey:@"{the MorphoTrust key assigned from}"
andURL:@"{the MorphoTrust api url assigned from}"];
// required
[ConfirmAppSupport didFinishLaunching];
The first step toward integration is to include and leverage confirm's UINavigationController subclass, ConfirmCapture
controller, to expose the intelligent capture views to grab images of the end user's ID:
#import <confirm_sdk/confirm_sdk.h>
@interface SampleViewController () <ConfirmCaptureDelegate>
// ...
- (IBAction)captureID:(UIButton *)sender
ConfirmCapture.singleton.delegate = self;
[self presentViewController:ConfirmCapture.singleton.controller animated:YES completion:^{
Write delegate methods to receive the imagery and payload data from the capture experience:
- (void)ConfirmCaptureDidComplete:(ConfirmPayload *)payload
[ConfirmSubmit.singleton submitIDCapturePayload:payload onStatus:^(NSDictionary * _Nonnull info, ConfirmSubmitState state) {
// Available ConfirmSubmitState values:
// - ConfirmSubmitStateInitializing
// - ConfirmSubmitStateUploading
// - ConfirmSubmitStateReceivedGuid
// - ConfirmSubmitStateProcessing
// - ConfirmSubmitStateGettingResults
// - ConfirmSubmitStateCompleted
} onProgress:^(NSProgress * _Nonnull progress, ConfirmSubmitProgressType progressType) {
// Available ConfirmSubmitProgressTypes:
// - ConfirmSubmitUploadProgress (ID is being uploaded to Confirm's cloud)
// - ConfirmSubmitDownloadProgress (ID is being processed by Confirm's cloud)
} onSuccess:^(IDModel * _Nullable validatedID, FacialMatchResponse * _Nullable facialResponse) {
// Fully parsed and processed ID is available in the `validatedID` object
// If the ConfirmPayload object contains data from a selfie capture (based on it being enabled in ConfirmCapture), the facialResponse object will be populated as well.
} onError:^(NSError * _Nonnull error, NSString * _Nullable guid) {
// An error occurred with the API request. Often due to a missing or invalid API key.
- (void)ConfirmCaptureDidCancel
// ...handle capture view dismissal
There are two delegate calls that the client can receive while using ConfirmCapture
The first delegate call is the method that occurs after the capture has completed. When your ViewController receives this call, the payload
object will contain all the information needed to leverage ConfirmSubmit
and send the data to Confirm's cloud. Developers should retain this payload until they're ready to execute the submission.
The second delegate call is the method that occurs when the user has backed out of the capture experience without capturing their ID. Developers are welcome to trigger different workflows or retry the capture experience as they see fit.
In addition to capturing and authenticating identity documents, Confirm partners with MorphoTrust USA to provide facial comparison technology. Combining document authentication with facial matching brings trust in identity to a whole new level by authenticating legitimacy of documentation as well as legitimacy of ownership.
In order to include facial matching to your workflow, simply ensure that the ConfirmCapture
singleton has the variable enableFacialMatch
set to true and that an API key has been provided before presenting the controller:
- (IBAction)captureID:(UIButton *)sender
[ConfirmSubmit.singleton setMorphoTrustAPIKey:@"{YOUR_MT_API_Key}" andURL:@"{MT_Base_URL}"];
ConfirmCapture.singleton.delegate = self;
ConfirmCapture.singleton.enableFacialMatch = true;
[self presentViewController:ConfirmCapture.singleton.controller animated:YES completion:^{
With facial match enabled, the selfie capture view will be appended to the capture workflow, and the ConfirmPayload
will include the facial image required for ConfirmSubmit
to execute the facial match request. In addition, the inclusion of the facial data in the ConfirmPayload
object will result in the facial match request being automatically triggered when using ConfirmSubmit
After both the front and back of the ID have been captured, the payload can then be sent to's cloud API for data extraction and authentication.
Before submission to the Confirm API, developers must obtain an API key from Confirm's team directly. It is highly recommended that mobile developers leverage Confirm's consumer key authentication protocols when submitting images directly to Confirm's API. To learn more, please visit our documentation.
The code containing verification API is located in the object ConfirmSubmit
Once you have the payload captured via ConfirmCapture
, the developer now needs to submit those images to the API for authentication:
- (void)submit
self.session = [ConfirmSubmit.singleton submitIDCapturePayload:payload onStatus:^(NSDictionary * _Nonnull info, ConfirmSubmitState state) {
// Available ConfirmSubmitState values:
// - ConfirmSubmitStateInitializing
// - ConfirmSubmitStateUploading
// - ConfirmSubmitStateReceivedGuid
// - ConfirmSubmitStateProcessing
// - ConfirmSubmitStateGettingResults
// - ConfirmSubmitStateCompleted
} onProgress:^(NSProgress * _Nonnull progress, ConfirmSubmitProgressType progressType) {
// Available ConfirmSubmitProgressTypes:
// - ConfirmSubmitUploadProgress (ID is being uploaded to Confirm's cloud)
// - ConfirmSubmitDownloadProgress (ID is being processed by Confirm's cloud)
} onSuccess:^(IDModel * _Nullable validatedID, FacialMatchResponse * _Nullable facialResponse) {
// Fully parsed and processed ID is available in the `validatedID` object
// If the ConfirmPayload object contains data from a selfie capture (based on it being enabled in ConfirmCapture), the facialResponse object will be populated as well.
} onError:^(NSError * _Nonnull error, NSString * _Nullable guid) {
// An error occurred with the API request. Often due to a missing or invalid API key.
The ConfirmSession
object returned can be used at any time prior to the onSuccess
or onError
blocks get called to cancel the transaction.
- (IBAction)didTapCancelButton:(UIButton*)sender
[self.session cancel];
self.session = nil;
NOTE: Since network calls are taking place, the blocks will be called asynchronously at some later time, so the developer would most likely want to block user interface in some manner - most likely to not make successive calls to submitIDCapturePayload:(ConfirmPayload* _Nonnull)payload onStatus:(_Nullable ConfirmSubmitStatusCallback)statusBlock onProgress:(_Nullable ConfirmSubmitProgressCallback)progressBlock onSuccess:(_Nullable ConfirmSubmitResultCallback)successBlock onError:(_Nullable ConfirmSubmitErrorCallback)errorBlock
before the first call has a chance to complete. This can easily be done by setting the parent view's userInteractionEnabled
to NO before the call, and to YES on either success or error.
This block will be called at various state transitions, and has an NSDictionary
containing helpful, human readible strings to indicate the progress of the various states.
Once the ID's serve GUID is available, it will also become available in the kStatusInfoGuidKey
key of the info parameter.
This block will be called during network upload and download progress. It will return an NSProgress object that can be inspected for data transmission completedUnitCount
and totalUnitCount
, and also an enumerated type indicating whether it is an upload or download progress event.
This block will be called if all the network calls succeed and API returns with an authentication result. The ID information will be contained in the IDModel
data structure called validatedID
. No more block calls will be made after this block is received.
This block will be called if there was a network or authentication error with the request. The error as to what happened will be provided in the NSError
, and no more block calls will be made after this block is received.
If your application needs a finer control of the ID capturing experience, such as displaying ViewControllers between each phase of capture, you can use the SDK one level below the ConfirmCapture
object - the ConfirmCameraVC
is the configurable UIViewController subclass that ConfirmCapture
actually uses.
The philosophy of using the ConfirmCameraVC
object is pretty straight forward.
- Create a
object and hang onto it - Create a
object, configure it, present it - When a
delegate method is called to either cancel, or progress - do the right thing. - When all sides of ID & optionally selfie have been captured, pass the
object toConfirmSubmit
as above withConfirmCapture
object, and release theConfirmCameraVC
objects, or the container that held them.
has three delegate methods that you implement as part of the ConfirmCaptureDelegate
The first delegate method is called when the picture has been taken
- (void)confirmCamera:(ConfirmCameraVC*)vc didComplete:(UIImage*)image;
This is where you would implement the state transition to the next VC.
To find out what side was taken, you can query the ConfirmCameraVC
property captureSide
The second delegate method is called when user cancels VC via button. This may trigger a UINavigationController pop, if this vc was pushed onto one.
- (void)confirmCameraDidDismiss:(ConfirmCameraVC*)vc;
The third delegate method is called when VC is dismissed due to UINavigationController pop, or some external mechanism. This gives a hint to the caller to release the ConfirmCameraVC
that was instantiated by ConfirmCameraVC::controller
- (void)confirmCameraWillBeDismissed:(ConfirmCameraVC*)vc;
@property (strong, nonatomic) ConfirmPayload* payload;
@property (weak, nonatomic) UIViewController* topVC;
- (IBAction)didTapCaptureButton:(UIButton*)sender
// create payload to be added to by ConfirmCameraVC
self.payload = ConfirmPayload.payload;
// remember top view controller so we can pop back to it
self.topVC = self.navigationController.topViewController;
[self pushFrontSide];
- (void)pushFrontSide
ConfirmCameraVC* camVC = ConfirmCameraVC.controller;
camVC.delegate = self;
camVC.captureSide = ConfirmCaptureFront;
camVC.payload = self.payload; // the view controller needs to know where to put the data
[self.navigationController pushViewController:camVC animated:YES];
- (void)confirmCamera:(ConfirmCameraVC*)vc didComplete:(UIImage*)image
switch (vc.captureSide) {
case ConfirmCaptureFront:
[self pushBackSide];
case ConfirmCaptureBack:
[self pushSelfie];
case ConfirmCaptureSelfie:
[self allDone];
- (void)confirmCameraDidDismiss:(ConfirmCameraVC*)vc
switch (vc.captureSide) {
case ConfirmCaptureFront:
[self cancel];
case ConfirmCaptureBack:
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
case ConfirmCaptureSelfie:
[self.navigationController popViewControllerAnimated:YES];
- (void)confirmCameraWillBeDismissed:(ConfirmCameraVC*)vc
- (void)allDone
[ConfirmSubmit.singleton submitIDCapturePayload:payload
onStatus:^(NSDictionary* _Nonnull info, ConfirmSubmitState state) {
// optionally display state information provided in 'info'
onProgress:^(NSProgress* _Nonnull progress, ConfirmSubmitProgressType progressType) {
// optionally display progress information provided in 'progress'
onSuccess:^(IDModel * _Nullable validatedID, FacialMatchResponse * _Nullable facialResponse) {
// display ID information provided in 'validatedID' and 'facialResponse'
[self cleanup];
onError:^(NSError * _Nonnull error, NSString * _Nullable guid) {
// optionally display error
[self cleanup];
- (void)cleanup
self.payload = nil; // release payload
// pop back to original view controller
[self.navigationController popToViewController:self.topVC animated:YES];
- (void)cancel
[self cleanup];
The methods pushBackSide
, and pushSelfie
are left as an exercise for the reader.
It is very important to set the payload object for each ConfirmCameraVC
object, to the same allocated object so the ID data will be properly accrued.
If you absolutely need to embed the ConfirmCameraVC
view controller within your own UIViewController, then there are methods for doing just that.
- (void)embedControllerIn:(UIViewController*)parentVC inView:(UIView*)container;
- (void)embedControllerIn:(UIViewController*)parentVC inRect:(CGRect)rect;
Once that you've instantiated a ConfirmCameraVC
via ConfirmCameraVC.controller
, and set up the required parameters of the object, simply call embedControllerIn:inView:
or embedControllerIn:inRect:
with your UIViewController, and everything will be taken care of.
self.payload = ConfirmPayload.payload;
self.confirmCameraVC = ConfirmCameraVC.controller;
self.confirmCameraVC.delegate = self;
self.confirmCameraVC.payload = self.payload;
self.confirmCameraVC.captureSide = ConfirmCaptureFront;
[self.confirmCameraVC embedControllerIn:self inView:self.cameraContainerView];