This archive contains old bots that have won past tournaments. We hope that the source code of these bots will help new people to test and improve their own bots. The idea behind this is that beginners do not have to start from scratch every year but can look at the strategies of previous years and test their own strategies against them.
- Download the source code for personal use
- Use these bots to run your own bot against them
- Use part of the code from a bot for your own bot, if you give credit to the original authors and make and clearly state your changes.
- Copy the code or part of the code without giving credit
- Advertise someone else's code as your own work
- Enter a tournament with a bot based solely on the work of previous bots, without improving anything (aka no changes made)
This bot was created by <authors> in the Seekers <mode> <tournament>. It received the <place> place.
This project is licensed under GNU General Public License. Please note that all bot files can have there own license and may have there own limitations.