"Simulation of Fluid Mixing in 3D Stirring tank using Semi helical and Double helical ribbons designs using Moving Particle Semi-Implicit Method developed by Seiichi Koshizuka, Kazuya Shibata, and Takuya Matsunaga"
I had the chance to work directly under Sensei Takuya Matsunaga and supervised by Sensei Seiichi Koshizuka both are just **AWESOME ! <3 **
3D simulations for solids use vector graphics implemented with the help of OpenGL or Mesh modelling structure In computer graphics a polygon mesh is the collection of vertices, edges, and faces that make up a 3D object But the does not work for fluids as the relative distance between particles keep changing, which leads to high distortion of the polygons
Hence we replace the whole 3D object as collection of particles. Whose motion is governed with the Moving Particle Semi-Implicit Method The project further deals with calculating a roughly accurate value of interface area between 2 fluids while mixing it with variating blade designs, impellor speed and particle size !
Demo :
With further analysis proved that helical blade was the BEST BLADE DESIGN !