#sampling in a cube
#sampling in a 3D cube
x1<-runif(1000, min = -1, max = 1)
x2<-runif(1000, min = -1, max = 1)
x3<-runif(1000, min = -1, max = 1)
plot_ly(x=x1, y=x2, z=x3, type="scatter3d", mode="markers"),
title = "\n\nSampling of 3D cube"
# sampling in a 3D sphere
points = direct_sampling(n = 500, body = list("type" = "hypersphere", "dimension" = 3))
points_3D= as.data.frame(t(points))
make_3d_circ <- function(center = c(0,0),diameter = 2,non_dim='z'){
radius = diameter/2
circle_points <- seq(0,2*pi,length.out = 500)
d1 <- center[1] + radius*cos(circle_points)
d2 <- center[2] + radius*sin(circle_points)
return(data.frame(V1 = d1, V2 = d2, V3=0))
else if(non_dim=='y'){
return(data.frame(V1 = d1, V2 = 0, V3=d2))
return(data.frame(V1 = 0, V2 = d1, V3=d2))
cycle_3D = data.frame(matrix(ncol = 3, nrow = 0))
colnames(cycle_3D) <- c("V1", "V2", "V3")
all_data = rbind(sampled_data_3D,cycle_3D)
plot_ly(x=all_data$V1, y=all_data$V2, z=all_data$V3, type="scatter3d", mode="markers", color = points_3D$color),
title = "\n\nDirect sampling of 3D Ball"
Sample approximate uniformly points from a random generated polytope using the implmented in volesti random walks, for various walk lengths. For each sample compute the PSRF and report on the results.
# p dimension of the estimation problem.
# m number of chains.
# epsilon relative precision level.
# delta desired delta value - the cutoff for potential scale reduction factor. If specified, then the corresponding \code{epsilon} is returned.
# alpha significance level for confidence regions for the Monte Carlo estimators.
target.psrf <- function(p, m, epsilon = .05, delta = NULL, alpha=.05){
Tee <- as.numeric(minESS(p, epsilon, alpha = alpha)) #min effective sample size
if(is.null(delta) == FALSE){
Tee <- M <- m/((1+delta)^2 - 1)
epsilon <- as.numeric(minESS(p, eps = epsilon, ess = M))
del <- sqrt(1 + m/Tee) - 1
arr <- 1 + del
list(psrf = arr, epsilon = epsilon)
for (step in c(1,20,100,150)){
for (walk in c("BiW")){
P <- gen_cube(100, 'H')
points1 <- sample_points(P,n=1000,random_walk = list("walk" = walk, "walk_length" = step))
g<-plot(ggplot(data.frame( x=points1[1,], y=points1[2,] )) +
geom_point( aes(x=x, y=y, color=walk)) + coord_fixed(xlim = c(-1,1),
ylim = c(-1,1)) + ggtitle(sprintf("walk length=%s", step, walk)))
#The `potential scale reduction factor' (PSRF) is an estimated factor by which the scale of
# the current distribution for the target distribution might be reduced if the simulations were continued
# for an infinite number of iterations. Each PSRF declines to 1 as the number of iterations approaches infinity.
#if the PSRF is close to 1, we can conclude that each of the m sets of n simulated observations is close to the target distribution.
# output :
c = 1
[1] 1.000062
[1] 0.05
c = 20
[1] 1.00123
[1] 0.05
c= 100
[1] 1.006137
[1] 0.05
c= 150
[1] 1.009191
[1] 0.05
c = 500
[1] 1.030317
[1] 0.05
Implement Gibbs sampler for uniform sampling in a polytope in C++ following the code structure of volesti.
#include "generators/boost_random_number_generator.hpp"
#include "random_walks/gaussian_helpers.hpp"
struct GibbsMonteCarloWalk {
typename Polytope,
typename RandomNumberGenerator,
struct Walk
typedef typename Polytope::PointType Point;
typedef typename Point::FT NT;
int size =0;
template <typename GenericPolytope>
Walk(GenericPolytope const& P, Point const& p, RandomNumberGenerator& rng)
{ Point x_in = GetDirection<Point>::apply(P.dimension(), rng);
Point v_in = GetDirection<Point>::apply(P.dimension(), rng);
template <typename Point>
inline void update(GenericPolytope const& P, Point const& p1, Point const& p2, RandomNumberGenerator& rng,int i, std::list<Point> &points,Point const & interiorPoint)
{ dim = p.dimension(); // a point will have as many marginals as dimension .
NT p = interiorPoint.getCoefficients();
const std::vector<vec_t> cov {{8.0f, -1.0f}, {-1.0f, 2.0f}};
int j = 1- i ;
p_hat = gaussian_rand(p1-(p2-p)*cov[i][j] / cov[i][i], std::sqrt(1.0f / cov[i][i]));
interiorPoint = p1;
template <typename Point>
inline void apply(BallPolytope const& P,
Point& p1, // a point to start
Point& p2,
unsigned int const& walk_length,
RandomNumberGenerator& rng,
std::list<Point> &points,
Point const & interiorPoint)
for (auto j=0u; j<walk_length; ++j)
update(P,p1,p2,rng,0,interiorPoint); size++ ; // update p1
update(P,p2,p1,rng,1, interiorPoint); size++; // update p2
// Discard the burn-in period
const int n_burnin = points.size() / 10;
std::rotate(points.begin(), points.begin() + n_burnin, points.end());
points.resize(points.size() - n_burnin );