SeerBit Native Android sdk is used to seamlessly integrate SeerBit payment gateways into Native android applications. It is very simple and easy to integrate.
- First the merchant must have an account with SeerBit or create one on SeerBit Merchant Dashboard to get started.
- Obtain the live public key of the merchant.
- Add the below code to your root build.gradle file
allprojects {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
For newer projects, add to the settings.gradle file instead
dependencyResolutionManagement {
repositories {
maven { url '' }
- Add the dependency to your app level build.gradle file
dependencies {
implementation 'com.github.seerbit:seerbit-android-native:1.0.4'
- Context //required
- Merchant's live public key //required
- Amount //required
- Customer's full name //required
- Customer's email //required
- Customer's phone number //required
- productId // defaults to empty string
- vendorId //defaults to empty string
- currency //defaults to merchant's country currency
- country //defaults to merchant's country
- pocketReference // used when money is to be moved to pocket
- transactionPaymentReference //we generate payment reference for each transaction, but if you supply yours, we will use it.
- tokenize // used only when card is to be tokenized - defaults to false
- productDescription //defaults to empty string
Supply these parameters to the starting method, startSeerBitSDK()
. For example,
class MainActivity : ComponentActivity(), ActionListener {
override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
setContent {
SeerBitTheme {
// A surface container using the 'background' color from the theme
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
color = MaterialTheme.colors.background
) {
override fun onSuccess(data: Any?) {
override fun onClose() {
Toast.makeText(this, "Payment cancelled", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()
fun GoToPaymentGateway(context: Context = LocalContext.current, actionListener: ActionListener) {
horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize().padding(20.dp)
) {
val context: Context = LocalContext.current // this applies if you are calling the sdk from a composable. you can obtain the context appropriately otherwise.
val amount: String = "1700.00"
val phone: String = "0809098****"
val fullName: String = "SeerBit SeerBit"
val email:String = "[email protected]"
val productId : String = "seerbit"
val vendorId: String = "seerbit"
val currency: String = "NGN"
val country: String = "NG"
val pocketReference: String = "SBT-PBK_SCAD2T"
val transactionPaymentReference: String = "SBT-RTEUW_SCAD2T"
val tokenize: Boolean = false
val productDescription: String = "seerbit"
actionListener = actionListener,
productDescription = productDescription,
productId = productId,
pocketReference = pocketReference,
transactionPaymentReference = "",
vendorId = vendorId,
country = country,
currency = currency,
tokenize = false
Calling this method with the parameters will initiate the sdk.
Property | type | required | default | Desc |
currency | String | Optional | NGN | The currency for the transaction e.g NGN |
String | Required | None | The email of the user to be charged | |
publicKey | String | Required | None | Your Public key or see above step to get yours |
amount | String | Required | None | The transaction amount |
fullName | String | Required | None | The fullname of the user to be charged |
phoneNumber | String | Required | None | User phone Number |
pocketReference | String | Optional | None | This is your pocket reference for vendors with pocket |
vendorId | String | Optional | None | This is the vendorId of your business using pocket |
tokenize | bool | Optional | False | Tokenize card |
country | String | Optional | NG | Transaction country which can be optional |
transactionPaymentReference | String | Optional | None | Set a unique transaction reference for every transaction |
productId | String | Optional | None | This is the productId which is optional |
productDescription | String | Optional | None | The transaction description which is optional |
actionListener | Callback | Optional | null | actionListener which listens to if the transaction was successful or closed |
If you encounter any problems, or you have questions or suggestions, create an issue here or send your inquiry to [email protected]