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SeerBit Native Android SDK

SeerBit Native Android sdk is used to seamlessly integrate SeerBit payment gateways into Native android applications. It is very simple and easy to integrate.


  • First the merchant must have an account with SeerBit or create one on SeerBit Merchant Dashboard to get started.
  • Obtain the live public key of the merchant.


  • Add the below code to your root build.gradle file
allprojects {
		repositories {
			maven { url '' }

For newer projects, add to the settings.gradle file instead

dependencyResolutionManagement {
    repositories {
        maven { url '' }

  • Add the dependency to your app level build.gradle file
dependencies {
	        implementation 'com.github.seerbit:seerbit-android-native:1.0.4'

Usage: These parameters must be supplied to the starting method;

  • Context //required
  • Merchant's live public key //required
  • Amount //required
  • Customer's full name //required
  • Customer's email //required
  • Customer's phone number //required
  • productId // defaults to empty string
  • vendorId //defaults to empty string
  • currency //defaults to merchant's country currency
  • country //defaults to merchant's country
  • pocketReference // used when money is to be moved to pocket
  • transactionPaymentReference //we generate payment reference for each transaction, but if you supply yours, we will use it.
  • tokenize // used only when card is to be tokenized - defaults to false
  • productDescription //defaults to empty string

Supply these parameters to the starting method, startSeerBitSDK(). For example,

class MainActivity : ComponentActivity(), ActionListener {

   override fun onCreate(savedInstanceState: Bundle?) {
       setContent {
           SeerBitTheme {
               // A surface container using the 'background' color from the theme
                   modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize(),
                   color = MaterialTheme.colors.background
               ) {

   override fun onSuccess(data: Any?) {


   override fun onClose() {
       Toast.makeText(this, "Payment cancelled", Toast.LENGTH_SHORT).show()


fun GoToPaymentGateway(context: Context = LocalContext.current, actionListener: ActionListener) {

       horizontalAlignment = Alignment.CenterHorizontally,
       verticalArrangement = Arrangement.Center,
       modifier = Modifier.fillMaxSize().padding(20.dp)
   ) {

            val context: Context = LocalContext.current  // this applies if you are calling the sdk from a composable. you can obtain the context appropriately otherwise.
            val amount: String = "1700.00"
            val phone: String = "0809098****"
            val publicKey: String = "SMPPBK_SCAD2TXCYUUYYYTT17OTLECBGUAI"
            val fullName: String  = "SeerBit SeerBit"
            val email:String = "[email protected]"
            val productId : String  = "seerbit"
            val vendorId: String  = "seerbit"
            val currency: String  = "NGN" 
            val country: String  = "NG"
            val pocketReference: String  = "SBT-PBK_SCAD2T"
            val transactionPaymentReference: String  = "SBT-RTEUW_SCAD2T"
            val tokenize: Boolean = false
            val productDescription: String  = "seerbit"
                               actionListener = actionListener,
                               productDescription = productDescription,
                               productId = productId,
                               pocketReference = pocketReference,
                               transactionPaymentReference = "",
                               vendorId = vendorId,
                               country = country,
                               currency = currency,
                               tokenize = false

Calling this method with the parameters will initiate the sdk.


Property type required default Desc
currency String Optional NGN The currency for the transaction e.g NGN
email String Required None The email of the user to be charged
publicKey String Required None Your Public key or see above step to get yours
amount String Required None The transaction amount
fullName String Required None The fullname of the user to be charged
phoneNumber String Required None User phone Number
pocketReference String Optional None This is your pocket reference for vendors with pocket
vendorId String Optional None This is the vendorId of your business using pocket
tokenize bool Optional False Tokenize card
country String Optional NG Transaction country which can be optional
transactionPaymentReference String Optional None Set a unique transaction reference for every transaction
productId String Optional None This is the productId which is optional
productDescription String Optional None The transaction description which is optional
actionListener Callback Optional null actionListener which listens to if the transaction was successful or closed


If you encounter any problems, or you have questions or suggestions, create an issue here or send your inquiry to [email protected]
