released this
29 Nov 20:21
(Brandon Sneed) Update build/release process (#282 )
(Brandon Sneed) Add JSONSafeEncoder for NaN/Infinity handling in JSON (#280 )
(Brandon Sneed) Ensure update(settings:type:) is only called with .initial once. (#276 )
(Brandon Sneed) Exclude PrivacyInfo.xcprivacy from swift package (silences warning) (#275 )
(Brandon Sneed) Added visionOS support to package @ 5.9 (#274 )
(Cristian Lupu) Add initial visionOS support (#271 )
(Brandon Sneed) Fix user-specified Date objects not being output in ISO8601 format (#273 )
(Brandon Sneed) Expanded pluginfind
capabilities. (#272 )
(Brandon Sneed) Fix remaining issues in async/sync mode switching. (#270 )
(Brandon Sneed) Fixed merge issue.
(Brandon Sneed) Added operating mode config option & behavior. (#269 )
(Brandon Sneed) Update package.swift for swift 5.7 (#261 )
(Harold Martin) Allow configuration of custom userAgent (#268 )
(Brandon Sneed) Tightened up application opened events to prevent duplicates (#267 )
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