pip3 install -r requirements.txt
We adopt PEP8 as the preferred code style.
We use the following tools for linting and formatting:
Style configurations of yapf and isort can be found in setup.cfg.
We use pre-commit hook that checks and formats for flake8
, yapf
, isort
, trailing whitespaces
fixes end-of-files
, sorts requirments.txt
automatically on every commit.
The config for a pre-commit hook is stored in .pre-commit-config.
After you clone the repository, you will need to install initialize pre-commit hook.
pip install -U pre-commit
From the repository folder
pre-commit install
After this on every commit check code linters and formatter will be enforced.
cd .
pip install virtualenv
virtualenv venv
source ./venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt pip install -e .