- 📫 How to reach me [email protected]
Welcome to my GitHub repository! I am a BackEnd and DevOps Engineer with expertise in Docker, Kubernetes, and Node.js backend development with Express and ORM in prisma. This repository contains projects and code snippets related to these areas, showcasing my skills and experience in the field.
Objective: Highly skilled and motivated DevOps Engineer with expertise in Docker, Kubernetes, and AWS. Seeking a challenging role where I can contribute my technical knowledge and passion for automation to optimize software development and deployment processes.
1- Backend Using Node Js and Prisma with SQlite
2- Zombie Village Game Engine (C++/OpenGL): Developed a simple game engine using C++ and OpenGL to create a zombie-themed village game. Implemented various game mechanics and graphics rendering techniques.
3- Web Testing with Selenium: Used Selenium, a web testing framework, to automate testing of web applications. Developed test scripts to validate functionality, perform regression testing, and ensure compatibility across different browsers.
4- Flappy Bird Game (Lua): Created a clone of the popular game "Flappy Bird" using Lua scripting language. Implemented the game mechanics, graphics, and user interface, providing an enjoyable gaming experience.
5- Mars Exploration with Data Structures: Developed a program for simulating Mars exploration using various data structures. Implemented algorithms to navigate the simulated Martian surface, analyze data, and make decisions based on the collected information.
6- Monopoly Snakes Game (C++): Created a Monopoly-inspired game with snakes as a theme. Implemented the core game logic, including player movement, property ownership, and interactions with snakes. Developed a graphical user interface for an immersive gaming experience.
7- Data-Link-Layer-Protocols Simulation (NED): Designed and simulated data link layer protocols using the NED (Network Description) language. Developed models for various protocols, such as Ethernet and Wi-Fi, and evaluated their performance and reliability through simulations.
8- League of Legends Association Rule Mining: Conducted association rule mining on game data from League of Legends. Extracted patterns and relationships between in-game events, player actions, and game outcomes to gain insights into strategies, player behavior, and balance issues.
9- Simple 6-Stage Pipelined Processor (Harvard Architecture, VHDL): Designed and implemented a simplified 6-stage pipelined processor using VHDL. Modeled the processor's architecture, instruction set, and pipelining stages. Simulated the processor's functionality and performance to evaluate its efficiency and correctness.