ChIP-Seq is widely used to characterize genome-wide binding patterns of transcription factors and other chromatin-associated proteins. Although comparison of ChIP-Seq data sets is critical for understanding cell type-dependent and cell state-specific binding, and thus the study of cell-specific gene regulation, few quantitative approaches have been developed.
Here, we present a simple and effective method, MAnorm, for quantitative comparison of ChIP-Seq data sets describing transcription factor binding sites and epigenetic modifications. The quantitative binding differences inferred by MAnorm showed strong correlation with both the changes in expression of target genes and the binding of cell type-specific regulators.
Input: There are five input arguments needed, 2 peaks files and 2 reads files, and ouptut folder name:
python --p1 peak1 --r1 read1 --p2 peak2 --r2 read1 -o ouput_folder_name
Note: peak file support bed format and macs output xls format. The first three columns should be ‘chr start end’ , if there are summit column, should put it in fourth cloumn.
Other Options:
Note: Using --help for seeing details.
- python install for pacakge installation.
- add /bin/MAnormFast script to PATH and chmod -x MAnormFast for excutive function.
- you could use MAnormFast as a command alreay.
standard bed format is supported. and there are 3 other kinds of peak file format supported by MAnormFast, 3-col tab split format, 4-col tab split format and MACS peak file. 3-col including peak chromosome, peak start and peak end.
chr1 2345 4345
chr1 3456 5456
chr2 6543 8543
chr1 2345 4345 254
chr1 3456 5456 127
chr2 6543 8543 302
# This file is generated by MACS
# name = A549_H3K27acEtoh02_Rep1
# format = BED
# ChIP-seq file = /mnt/MAmotif/1.RAWdata/Histone_Broad_hg19/H3K27ac/wgEncodeBroadHistoneA549H3k27acEtoh02AlnRep1.bed
# control file = /mnt/MAmotif/1.RAWdata/Histone_Broad_hg19/modified_control/wgEncodeBroadHistoneA549ControlEtoh02AlnRep2.bed
# effective genome size = 3.14e+09
# tag size = 37
# band width = 300
# model fold = 32
# pvalue cutoff = 1.00e-05
# Ranges for calculating regional lambda are : peak_region,1000,5000,10000
# unique tags in treatment: 28191481
# total tags in treatment: 32226999
# unique tags in control: 27551475
# total tags in control: 32964797
# d = 200
chr start end length summit tags -10*log10(pvalue) fold_enrichment FDR(%)
chr7 97911064 97917104 6041 368 648 3233.06 22.57 0.0
chr11 35159640 35167695 8056 1358 1066 3233.06 21.83 0.0
chr7 156684099 156687307 3209 2242 526 3233.06 43.37 0.0
chrX 55025266 55028474 3209 1270 551 3233.06 36.65 0.0
chr17 592847 601584 8738 4484 1286 3233.06 19.17 0.0
chr4 985500 988137 2638 1351 412 3233.06 34.69 0.0
And if you want to know the detail of this model, you could download the article: