Protocol and Reference Implementation
Mercure is a protocol for pushing data updates to web browsers and other HTTP clients in a convenient, fast, reliable, and battery-efficient way. It is especially useful to publish async and real-time updates of resources served through web APIs, to reactive web and mobile apps.
The protocol is maintained in this repository and is also available as an Internet-Draft.
A reference, production-grade, implementation of a Mercure hub (the server) is also available in this repository. It's free software (AGPL) written in Go. It is provided along with a library that can be used in any Go application to implement the Mercure protocol directly (without a hub) and an official Docker image.
In addition, a managed and high-scalability version of the hub is available on
See license information.
Created by Kévin Dunglas. Graphic design by Laury Sorriaux. Sponsored by
This fork includes a significant enhancement to Mercure availability (HA) capabilities. Redis Pub/Sub Support: We have now integrated Redis Pub/Sub messaging, allowing for seamless activation of HA functionality. This addition enables real-time communication between nodes, ensuring uninterrupted service and improved scalability.