ABC ia a typeless, dynamic language like python and ruby. It's just a toy language right now, just like the name suggests :).
Currently, a large part of codes are borrowed from crowbar language which is written by the Kazuya Maebashi.
Simply run make and everything is done.
You can set a environment envariable after making it.
export PATH=$PATH:$ABCLang
Create a file name, put the following:
println("Hello, world\n");
Save it and run:
If you see the "Hello, world" message then your installation is working.
The control structed of ABC are related to C but differ in different way.
####if if a > 0 { println("if"); } else if a < 0 { println("else if""); } else { println("else"); } ####for C like for:
a = {1,2,3};
for i = 0; i < a.size(); i++ {
easier one:
a = {1, 2, 3};
for i : a {
n = 10;
# i will be set to zero automatically
# default step is one.
for i : n {
# set step to 2
for i : n : 2 {
Just like python, you don't need to worry about the return value and parameter type.
def calculate(n) {
# sum will be set to zero the first you use it.
for i : n {
sum += i;
return sum;
multiple return:
def add_sub(a, b) {
return a+b, a-b;
All the data will be set to zero automatically. ####slice s = [1,2,3]; b = s[:1]; c = s[:-1];
#two dimention slice
s2 = new_slice(2,3);
s2[1] = 5;
####map m = { "hello" : 1, "world" : 2, }; m["good"] = 3; for name, num : m { printf("name=$1, num = $2\n",name, num); } del m["good"];
try {
zero = 0;
a = 3 / zero;
} catch (e) {
if e.type == DivisionByZeroException {
println("opps, div by zero");
} else {
throw e;
Currently it only support fopen, fclose, fgets, fputs operations. It externs stdin, stdout and stderr as default fd. You can use it just like C.
# read from stdin
name = fgets(stdin, "what's you name? ")
printf("your name is $1", name);
# write
try {
file = fopen("diary", "w+");
fputs(file, "what a great day");
} finnally {
# read
file = fopen(“diary”, "r+");
for line : file {
If you are interested in ABCLang, please feel free to email me: [email protected]. If you want to participate in developing this toy lanugage, just fork it and do what you want.