This project creates and sets up a client and server nodes on a network to communicate with each other. The client reads plaintext from a file, encrypts it, and sends the ciphertext to the server. The server receives the ciphertext and prints the decrypted text to standard output.
This project is a part of application process for Embedded C team, Software Engineer Internship position at Teraki.
Project is created with:
- gcc version: 9.3.0
- OpenSSL library version: 1.1.1f
This project uses GNU Make build system.
To run this project, install OpenSSL library locally:
sudo apt-get install libssl-dev
To make server,
make -f server.mak PORT="8080" all
(If you change port argument, you need to assign the new value to macro in Client.c)
To make client,
make -f client.mak F_NAME="file.txt" S_ADDR="" all
When editing makefile, always put links to crypto libraries(-lcrypto, -lssl) after object files. Linker reads each file only once and object file has to be read first so, the linker finds all refrences in libraries.
Openssl Wiki for EVP encryption and decryption Geeks for Geeks tutorial for TCP Server-Client implementation in C