In order to use the library you need to have available one of CURL
extension or HTTP_Request2
For HTTP_Request2
pear install HTTP_Request2-2.3.0
By default the SDK is checking for CURL
extension first and then fallbacks to HTTP_Request2
You can specify the method using the second argument from CheckMobiRest
The SDk can be installed using Composer
composer require checkmobi/checkmobi-php
#API Documentation
CheckMobi APIs are based on HTTP
methods, which make it easy to integrate into your own products.
You can use any HTTP
client in any programming language to interact with the API.
The SDK is only a wrapper over the REST API described here
#Basic Usage for SDK:
For all properties accepted by the following methods check the documentation.
//create an instance of `CheckMobiRest`
use checkmobi\CheckMobiRest;
$api = new CheckMobiRest("secret key here");
//get list of countries & flags
$response = $api->GetCountriesList();
//get account details
$response = $api->GetAccountDetails();
//get prefixes
$response = $api->GetPrefixes();
//checking a number for being valid
$response = $api->CheckNumber(array("number" => "+number here"));
//validate a number using "Missed call method". (type can be : sms, ivr, cli, reverse_cli)
$response = $api->RequestValidation(array("type" => "reverse_cli", "number" => "+number_here"));
//verify a pin for a certain request
$response = $api->VerifyPin(array("id" => "request id here", "pin" => "5659"));
//check validation status for a certain request
$response = $api->ValidationStatus(array("id" => "request id here"));
//send a custom sms
$response = $api->SendSMS(array("to" => "number here", "text" => "message here"));
//get details about an SMS
$response = $api->GetSmsDetails(array("id" => "sms id here"));
//place a call
$event = [["action" => "speak", "text" => "Hello world", "loop" => 2, "language" => "en-US"]];
$params = ["from" => "+number here", "to" => "+number here", "events" => $event];
$response = $api->PlaceCall($params);
//get a call details
$response = $api->GetCallDetails(array("id" => "call id here"));
//hangup a call
$response = $api->HangUpCall(array("id" => "call id here"));