Platform for Analysis and Labeling of Medical Time Series
This software features the following pubication:
Fiducials annotation:
Partitions annotation:
Copyright (c) 2020 Stichting imec Nederland ([email protected])
@license GPL-3.0+
This software includes (modified) third party open source software components distributed under the MIT license:
For license text see ./gui/LICENSE.txt
This software includes (modified) third party open source software components distributed under the MIT license:
See license in the source code.
This software makes use of the GPL-3.0+ licensed PyQt library (Riverbank Computing Limited).
For more info see
The two example data files (see Examples below) contain raw data from:
- IEEE TBME Respiratory Rate Benchmark data set:
- BIDMC PPG and Respiration Dataset:
A) Using source code:
1.1 Install Python 3.6 from as Admin and add Python to the PATH
1.2 (advised) create a separate virtual environment in the root folder of the project:
1.3 Install required packages: pip install -r requirements.txt
1.4 Run the tool: python
B) Using portable (executable) version:
1.1 PALMS.exe and required dependencies for portable execution of the software is available in !portable\
- A pop-up window with available databases will appear (see also Examples below)
- Select a database and a file to annotate
PALMS is provided with 2 ready-to-run examples for annotating:
- PPG peak and foot (see logic\databases\
- respiration signal fiducials (see logic\databases\
Small data chunks for these examples to work are stored in docs\examples\
PALMS also provides a configuration file logic\databases\ to make possible ECG quality annotation of Physionet data. In order to run this example one has to download some datafiles from the corresponding Physionet database and place them into docs\examples\examples_Physionet2011\
User_manual (may be outdated): docs\user_manual.pdf
Demo video (may be outdated):
- Browse:
- Annotation:
- Partitions:
Instructions for creating new database-configurations: logic\databases\EXAMPLE_...
Portable version allows someone without even Python installed to use the software.
- Execute in the console: pyinstaller --onefile --name PALMS
- Modify PALMS.spec created in the root to add non-python files necessary to run the app:
2.1 Add the following block of code:
added_files = [
("docs\examples", "docs\examples" ),
("gui\LICENSE.txt", "gui"),
2.2 Below find a line 'datas=[],' and assign:
datas = added_files
2.3 including ("config\shortcuts.json","config") will make shortcuts fixed, won't be possible to change in portable version.
Omitting this will require a config\shortcuts.json to be near executable when running (or default is used)
3. Execute in the console: pyinstaller --onefile PALMS.spec
4. PALMS.exe is ready in dist\
5. In order PALMS.exe to work and find all necessary files it should be given to an annotator-expert in the following folder with accordingly configured
(PALMS.exe will contain all necessary dependencies to show examples)
|-- data_folder\
|-- file_to_annotate
|-- PALMS.exe
|-- (contains newDatabase class, see EXAMPLES)
|-- config.json