Fork of Lempitsky DL for HSE master students Lecture and seminar materials for each week is in ./week* folders
- 20.09 - by default we meet on Friday at 18-00, room 400. if you cannot make it, please send us an e-mail (course mail) or PM me in slack ASAP - we have a second parallel available and a few other options.
- 20.09 - HW0 deadline was shifted 1 wek into the future. Rejoice!
- 20.09 - grading info added
- 15.09 - Doodle on when do we meet - link
- 15.09 - Please get the frameworks installed by the next class - issue
- 15.09 - added project rules and examples (see "course stuff" below)
- 15.09 - week0 assignment published (see "syllabus")
- Course mail - [email protected] - for homework assignments, project stuff, questions, suggestions, intimidations, etc.
- Slack group - write [email protected] for slack invitation [instructors appear ~once in two days]
- Any technical issues, ideas, bugs in course materials, contribution ideas - add an issue
- week0 Recap
- Lecture: Linear models, stochastic optimization, regularization
- Seminar: Linear classification, sgd, modifications
- HW due: 28.09.16, 23.59.
- Please get the frameworks installed by the next class - issue
- Please get bleeding edge theano+lasagne installed for the next seminar.
- Linux Guidelines
- week1 Getting deeper
- Lecure: Neural networks 101
- Seminar: theano, symbolic graphs and basic neural networks
- next: ToBeCopypasted