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Spaced repetition system bot for Telegram @memorizationsys_bot. Fork of Memorization Bot.

Things added:

  • If you manage to successfully write the back of the card, it will be interpreted as 'recalled' (or if your reply does not match perfectly, 'show back').
  • Always show the total number of cards in deck (even when there are no cards to review).
  • APIs!
  • Webapp!

Host locally with docker-compose

Note: you'll need to have a public accessible HTTPS gateway for the Telegram API. Exposing the HTTP server as-is to the Telegram servers will NOT work. For example, you can use something like ngrok http 8000.

  • Copy .env.sample to .env and follow the instructions.
  • docker-compose up --build.
  • You'll have your bot server listening on port 8000.
  • Access the database with docker-compose exec db psql -U postgres.

Host locally without Docker

Note: you'll need to have a public accessible HTTPS gateway for the Telegram API. Exposing the HTTP server as-is to the Telegram servers will NOT work. For example, you can use something like ngrok http 8000.

You might want to use direnv to ease the environment configuration process.

  • Copy .env.sample to .env and follow the instructions.
  • make deps to download go/js dependencies.
  • make run or make build && make server_run to compile and run the bot on port 8000.

Host on Heroku

  • You'll need the Heroku Postgres add-on.
  • Initialize the database: { cat db/db.sql; cat db/functions.sql; } | heroku pg:psql
  • Take a look at .env.sample and do your heroku config:set accordingly.
  • Use the scheduler add-on to run wake-dog it every morning. It will wake up the bot, so that you'll have your rehearsal, even with free dynos.

Working with Postgres on Heroku

You can download a copy of the remote database with:

cd db
heroku pg:backups:capture
heroku pg:backups:download

Then import locally with:

docker-compose exec db pg_restore --verbose --clean --no-acl --no-owner -h localhost -U postgres -d postgres /docker-entrypoint-initdb.d/latest.dump

Create a zip archive of the build

GOOS=linux GOARCH=amd64 make archive