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List of macro functions

Yusuke SETO edited this page Jan 30, 2023 · 19 revisions











True/False. \r\n If true, an image is drawn with gray-scale. This parameter is a counterpart of 'IPA.Image.ColorScale'


True/False. \r\n If true, an image is drawn with color-scale. This parameter is a counterpart of 'IPA.Image.GrayScale'


Float. \r\n Set/get maximum level of brightness.


Float. \r\n Set/get miniimum level of brightness.

IPA.Image.CanvasMagnification # Float. \r\n Set/get magnification of image

IPA.Image.SetCanvasSize(int Width, int Height) # Set canvas size (width and height) of picture box in pixel unit.


IPA.Mask.MaskSpots() # Mask spots.

IPA.Mask.ClearMask() # Clear the current masks.

IPA.Mask.MaskAll() # Mask all area.

IPA.Mask.InvertMask() # Invert the current mask state.

IPA.Mask.MaskTop() # Mask the top half area.

IPA.Mask.MaskBottom() # Mask the bottom half area.

IPA.Mask.MaskRight() # Mask the right half area.

IPA.Mask.MaskLeft() # Mask the left half area.


IPA.Profile.GetProfile() # Get profile.

IPA.Profile.GetProfile(string filename) # Get profile. \r\n Profile will be saved to the assigned filename

IPA.Profile.ConcentricIntegration # True/False. \r\n If true, the image will be \r\n integrated concentrically (2θ-intensity).

IPA.Profile.RadialIntegration # True/False. \r\n If true, the image will be \r\nintegrated radially (pizza-cut).

IPA.Profile.FindCenterBeforeGetProfile # True/False. \r\n If true, 'Find Center' will be \r\n executed before 'Get Profile'

IPA.Profile.FindSpotsBeforeGetProfile # True/False. \r\n If true, 'Mask Spots' will be \r\n executed before 'Get Profile'

IPA.Profile.SendProfileViaClipboard # True/False. \r\n If true, the profile will be sent to PDIndexer via clipboard

IPA.Profile.SaveProfileAfterGetProfile # True/False. \r\n If true, the profile will be saved after 'Get Profile'

IPA.Profile.SaveProfileAsPDI # True/False. \r\n If true, the profile will be saved as PDI format

IPA.Profile.SaveProfileAsCSV # True/False. \r\n If true, the profile will be saved as CSV format

IPA.Profile.SaveProfileAsTSV # True/False. \r\n If true, the profile will be saved as TSV format

IPA.Profile.SaveProfileAsGSAS # True/False. \r\n If true, the profile will be saved as GSAS format


IPA.IntegralProperty.ConcentricIntegration # True/False. \r\n If true, the image will be \r\n integrated concentrically (2θ-intensity).

IPA.IntegralProperty.RadialIntegration # True/False. \r\n If true, the image will be \r\nintegrated radially (pizza-cut or cake-pattern).

IPA.IntegralProperty.ConcentricStart # Float. \r\n Set/get start value for concentric integration mode.

IPA.IntegralProperty.ConcentricEnd # Float. \r\n Set/get end value for concentric integration mode.

IPA.IntegralProperty.ConcentricStart # Float. \r\n Set/get step value for concentric integration mode.

IPA.IntegralProperty.ConcentricUnit # Integer. \r\n Set/get a unit of concentric integration mode. 0: Angle(°), 1: d-spacing(Å), 2: Length (mm)

IPA.IntegralProperty.RadialRadius # Float. \r\n Set/get a donut radius for radial integration mode

IPA.IntegralProperty.RadialWidth # Float. \r\n Set/get a donut width for radial integration mode

IPA.IntegralProperty.RadialStep # Float. \r\n Set/get a sector angle (sweep step) for radial integration mode

IPA.IntegralProperty.RadialUnit # Integer. \r\n Set/get a unit of concentric integration mode. 0: Angle(°), 2: d-spacing(Å)


IPA.Wave.SetWaveLength(float wavelength) # Set wavelength (float value) of incident beam in nm unit.

IPA.Wave.WaveLength # Float. \r\n Set/get wavelength of incident beam in nm unit.

IPA.File.GetFileName() # Get a fil name. \r\n Returned string is a full path of the selected file.

IPA.File.GetFileNames() # Get filenames. \r\n Returned value is a string array, \r\n each of which is a full path of selected files.

IPA.File.GetAllFileNames() # Get all file names in the directory. \r\n Returned value is a string array, \r\n each of which is a full path of selected files.

IPA.File.GetDirectoryPath() # Get a directory path.\r\n Returned string is a full path to the filename.\r\n If filename is omitted, selection dialog will open.


IPA.File.ReadImage(string filename) # Read image file. \r\n If filename is omitted, selection dialog will open.

IPA.File.ReadImageHDF(string filename, bool Normarize) # Read HDF5 image file. \r\n If filename is omitted, selection dialog will open.

IPA.File.SaveImageAsTIFF(string filename) # Save image file as Tiff format. \r\n If filename is omitted, selection dialog will open.

IPA.File.SaveImageAsPNG(string filename) # Save image file as PNG format. \r\n If filename is omitted, selection dialog will open.

IPA.File.SaveImageAsIPA(string filename) # Save image file as IPA format. \r\n If filename is omitted, selection dialog will open.

IPA.File.ReadParameter(string filename) # Read parameter file. \r\n If filename is omitted or invalid, selection dialog will open.

IPA.File.SaveParameter(string filename) # Save parameter file. \r\n If filename is omitted or invalid, selection dialog will open.

IPA.File.ReadMask(string filename) # Read mask file. \r\n If filename is omitted or invalid, selection dialog will open.

IPA.File.SaveMask(string filename) # Save mask file. \r\n If filename is omitted or invalid, selection dialog will open.


IPA.Sequential.SequentialImageMode # True/False. Get whether the current file is sequential image or not.

IPA.Sequential.Count # Integer.\r\n Get the number of images

IPA.Sequential.SelectedIndex # Integer. \r\n Set or get the selected index of the current sequential image.

IPA.Sequential.SelectedIndices # Array of itegers (like 1,3,5,9). \r\n Set or get the selected indices of the current sequential image.

IPA.Sequential.SelectIndex(int index) # Set number of selected index.

IPA.Sequential.AppendIndex(int index) # Append selected index to current selections.

IPA.Sequential.SelectIndices(int Start,int End) # Set selected indices (from int_Start to int_End).

IPA.Sequential.AppendIndices(int Start,int End) # Append indices (from int_Start to int_End) to current selections

IPA.Sequential.MultiSelection # True/False. \r\n Set or get the state of multi-selection mode.

IPA.Sequential.Averaging # True/False. \r\n Set or get the state of averaging mode .

IPA.Sequential.Target_SelectedImages # True/False. \r\n If set true, the selected images are targets for 'Get Profile'.

IPA.Sequential.Target_AllImages # True/False. \r\n If set true, all images are targets for 'Get Profile'.

IPA.Sequential.Target_TopmostImage # True/False. \r\n If set true, the topmost image will be target for 'Get Profile'.


IPA.Detector.SetCenter(float X, float Y) # Set center (direct spot) position in pixel unit.

IPA.Detector.CenterX # Float. \r\n Set or get X value of center (direct spot) position in pixel unit.

IPA.Detector.CenterY # Float. \r\n Set or get Y value of center (direct spot) position in pixel unit.

IPA.Detector.CameraLength # Float. \r\n Set or get camera length in mm unit.

IPA.Detector.PixelSizeX # Float. \r\n Set or get pixel X value (pixel width) in mm unit.

IPA.Detector.PixelSizeY # Float. \r\n Set or get pixel Y value (pixel height) in mm unit.

IPA.Detector.PixelKsi # Float. \r\n Set or get pixel Ksi value (pixel height) in degree unit.

IPA.Detector.TiltPhi # Float. \r\n Set or get tilt phi value in degree unit.

IPA.Detector.TiltTau # Float. \r\n Set or get tilt tau value in degree unit.

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