To get set up, you need to
$ cd
into yoursf-wdi-14
directory- Clone and
$ cd
into it - Run
$ mocha
- Write tests for the following functions and then make the tests pass (files prepared in
) - Run specs by running
$ mocha
; if this command cannot be found, run$ npm install mocha chai -g
first - Push to your own branch (named after your first name) of the test-driven-development repository:
$ git push origin HEAD:firstname
(replace 'firstname' with your first name)
// Pass in a string and return the second to last word.
// Example: findPenultimateWord("this is me") should return "is"
// Calculate the sum of all digits of an integer.
// Example: sumOfDigits(123) should return 6
// Also: sumOfDigits("123") should return 6 as well
// Find the highest value in an array of integers.
// Example: highestValue([1, 2, 3]) should return 3
// Find the longest word of a string.
// Example: longestWord("one two three") should return "three"
// Find the nth number of the Fibonacci sequence.
// Example: nthFibonacciNumber(4) should return 2