This is a collection of scripts and configuration files I like to keep track of and use.
Most of my development environments are on Ubuntu server. To get the environment set up, I've got installs, which quickly grabs a variety of tools I use from day-to-day. For example:
- tmux for terminal management
- starship for an excellent terminal prompt
- fzf, bat, exa, rg, fd, z for interactive, colorful CLI tools
- jq for JSON scripting superpowers
- kubectx for kubernetes context switching
I've also got a bunch of aliases and functions sourced in my profile.
I still use bash
as my shell because that's what's on most all of the servers I work on. But with the tools listed above, and vi mode, it doesn't feel like the stone age.
Ahhhh Neovim. I spent the first half of 2023 trying to use this exclusively. After a few months of going from scratch, I adopted LazyVim which is awesome.
But my configuration is on the backburner for now, since I was spending a bit too much time working on it rather than getting things done 😅.
I miss the cohesive tmux + vim experience, but vscode + neovim has a pretty good alternative in the meantime.
git clone
. .files/installs
echo ". ~/.files/profile" >> ~/.bashrc
. ~/.bashrc