The vision of developing this repository is to have an exhaustive list of high quality datasets, API's and projects pertaining to COVID-19 which will be open to communities such as academia, research and education.
If you have an awesome dataset, API link or a project link related to COVID-19 and would like to share it with us. Please have a look at our how to contribute page.
Data on COVID-19 (coronavirus) by Our World in Data (OWID)
Confirmed positive cases of COVID-19 in Ontario
British Columbia COVID-19 cases dataset
COVID-19 in India dataset (contains ageGroup, hostipal beds and state level details on testing)
NYtimes Excess Deaths during the Coronavirus Pandemic
Colombia COVID-19 Official Dataset
Johns Hopkins University - COVID-19 Data Repository
Manitoba COVID-19 Daily Cases by Status Dataset
Yahoo - COVID-19 dataset
Austria COVID-19 Case Data with Basemap (STC)
Russia COVID-19 Case Data with Basemap (STC)
Italy COVID-19 Case Data with Basemap (STC)
Brazil COVID-19 Case Data with Basemap (STC)
COVID-19 in Japan Dataset
COVID-19 in Ghana Dataset
COVID-19 in Spain Dataset
Detection of COVID-19 using Raman Spectroscopy
COVID-19 impact on education
Oxford University Dataset on COVID-19 Government Responses
World Bank Indicators of Interest to the COVID-19 Outbreak
ACAPS COVID-19: Government Measures Dataset
COVID-19 Impact on Power Consumption in India
HowsMyFlattening COVID-19 Dataset
Community Mobility Dataset
COVID-19 Image data collections based upon X-ray and CT images of patients
Stanford ML Group CheXpert - A Large Chest X-ray dataset
COVID-19 Radiography Dataset
Computed Tomography of Lungs Dataset for COVID19
BIMCV - Medical Imaging Databank of the Valencia Region
Radiopaedia COVID-19 CT Lung and Infection Segmentation Dataset
EU COVID-19 Challenge - Synthetic CT Data for Deep Learning
COVID-19 CT Lung and Infection Segmentation Benchmark Dataset
MosMed COVID19 Data from Center of Diagnostics and Telemedicine
COVID-19 CT Data from Wuhan Tongji Hospital
Covid-19 Xray Dataset from V7 Labs
IEEE dataset on COVID-19 Twitter data
COVID-19 Open Reasearch Dataset Challenge (CORD-19)
COVID-19 Multilanguage Tweets Dataset
API | Description |
WHO NEWS API | WHO - Twitter and YouTube API feeds for WHO, and their RSS feeds regarding COVID-19 |
COVID-19 Tracking Project | This API provides the details on COVID-19 cases in each of the 50 states in the US |
ECDC NEWS API | Twitter and YouTube API feeds for European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC), and their RSS feeds for pulling information |
Coronavirus Smartable ( | The coronavirus stats and news API offers latest and historic COVID-19 stats and news information per country or state |
API | Description |
COVID-19 Twitter Searches | Twitter API search, with a handful of the common search COVID-19 search terms |
Twitter Accounts for State Government in 50 US States | State government Twitter accounts for all 50 states in the United States |
Twitter Accounts for State Governors in 50 US States | State governor Twitter accounts for all 50 states in the United States |
Twitter Accounts for State Health Departments in 50 US States | State health department Twitter accounts for all 50 states in the United States |
County Health Departments for All 50 US States | A single collection with a request for each of the 50 states, pulling a listing of name, website, address, phone, email, twitter, and facebook for all county health departments |
Twitter Accounts for County Health Departments in all 50 US States | The Twitter accounts for over 300 county health departments across 50 US States |
Projects related to various datasets have also been added to their respective project's summary page under project sections.
COVID-19 API with Machine Learning prediction: The COVID-19 statistics collected from multiple sources and provided as an easy to use API. The data is then processed by Machine Learning algorithms to build disease spread prediction that is updated daily based on the recent data.
PANDEMIK (Behavior Change and Mitigation Simulation): Pandemik is an end-to-end pipeline for simulating behavior change and mitigation effects on public health, economic, and psychological outcomes.
COVID-19 CovidSim microsimulation: COVID-19 CovidSim microsimulation model developed by the MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis hosted at Imperial College, London.
Aged Based Simulation of Health and Economic Effects of COVID-19: Simulation of complex dynamical systems using the individual states of its components (Economic, Aged, Demographics,etc.) to detect global behaviors that emerge due COVID-19. There is also a medium article on this topic by the authors.
Macroeconomic Dynamics and Reallocation in an Epidemic: In this paper / project the authors argue that endogenous shifts in private consumption behavior across sectors of the economy can act as a potent mitigation mechanism during an epidemic or when the economy is re-opened after a temporary lockdown.
Covid-19-indicator: Web based application to analyse the live cases of COVID-19 and is impact on economy.
British Columbia (BC) - Coronavirus Cases dashboard: The BC COVID-19 dashboard for the latest case counts and information on recoveries, deaths, hospitalizations, testing and more.
US county level interactive map of Covid-19 cases (using Geopandas and Bokeh): The project creates a static and live/interactive html map (Click on the link!!!) using data from @nytimes that tracks the spread of Covid-19 by date and US counties. Please see @nytimes repository for information regarding the data and it's use.
Coronavirus Visual Analytics: A visual analytic system for analyzing big data related to Conornavirus COVID-19 outbreak. The system aims to provide visual insights of big data for clinical researchers. The analytics include outbreak severity,airline impact and economic recovery. The live demo is the project can be found on this link.
BBC Data Unit - Coronavirus crowd funding pubs: Analysis of the COVID-19 on crowdfunding for Pubs using the BBC-data-units's dataset.
Coronavirus CLI app: A nodejs based CLI app to provide latest COVID-19 stats across the globe.
Corona Warn App Server: The goal of this project is to develop the official Corona-Warn-App for Germany based on the exposure notification API from Apple and Google.
CS 472 Data science and AI for COVID-19 - (Stanford University).
CMPT 456 - Information Retrieval and Web Search - (Simon Fraser University)
CMPT 459 - Data Mining - (Simon Fraser University)
Applied Data Science COVID-19 data analysis - (Udemy).
COVID-19 Data Science Urban Epidemic Modelling in Python - (Udemy).
COVID19 Data Analysis Using Python - (Coursera).
Tableau Crash Course: Build and Share a COVID-19 Dashboard - (Udemy).