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Reusable Gradle Component Metadata Rules. Requires Gradle 5.0 (released November 26, 2018) or later.

GitHub Actions CI


Gradle has a funny relationship with maven classifiers.

Consider this scenario:

  1. A library depends on an old snakeyaml version with <classifier>android</classifier>
  2. Another library depends on a more recent snakeyaml, which is no longer publishing the android classifier

Gradle conflict resolves to the highest version, but also wants the android classifier. This fails, but only once you run a step that needs the jars downloaded.

Execution failed for task ':compileJava'.
    > Could not resolve all files for configuration ':compileClasspath'.
       > Could not find snakeyaml-1.30-android.jar (org.yaml:snakeyaml:1.30).
         Searched in the following locations:

To correct this problem for all your projects, you could use this library as building blocks for your custom plugin.

dependencies {
  components {
    withModule('com.github.javafaker:javafaker', net.sghill.gradle.rules.RemoveClassifierFromDependency) {
      params('org.yaml', 'snakeyaml', 'plugin removed/added to drop classifier')
  // other dependencies

The last parameter is a reason, which is shown when running the dependencyInsight task.

$ ./gradlew dependencyInsight --dependency=org.yaml:snakeyaml

> Task :dependencyInsight
  Variant compile:
    | Attribute Name                 | Provided | Requested    |
    | org.gradle.status              | release  |              |
    | org.gradle.category            | library  | library      |
    | org.gradle.libraryelements     | jar      | classes      |
    | org.gradle.usage               | java-api | java-api     |
    | org.gradle.dependency.bundling |          | external     |
    | org.gradle.jvm.environment     |          | standard-jvm |
    | org.gradle.jvm.version         |          | 8            |
   Selection reasons:
      - Was requested: plugin removed/added to drop classifier     <-- this is our reason, many can be shown here

\--- compileClasspath

org.yaml:snakeyaml -> 1.30
\--- com.github.javafaker:javafaker:1.0.2
     \--- compileClasspath
