This is a ROS package that uses a Novint Falcon to teleoperate a modified LynxMotion arm. The arm is equiped with tactile bump switches which are rendered as walls on the Falcon. There is also a simulated version of the arm available in this package.
This package is for the botboarduino version of a LynxMotion ALD5 Arm. It includes arduino code with drastically improved perfomance compared to the LynxMotion example code.
This package has been tested on Ubuntu 16.04 using ROS-kinetic
The word Aq Bars refers to a mythical creature which is half snow leopard, half falcon.
You will first need to install libNiFalcon, following the directions here: In addition to the directions on their repo I had to add the following to my bashrc:
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=${LD_LIBRARY_PATH}:/usr/local/lib/
This is a ROS package. To use it you will need to install ROS-kinetic ( You will then need a catkin workspace. If you already have one you can skip this step other wise run:
mkdir aqbar_ws/src
cd aqbar_ws
THEN clone this repository into aqbar_ws/src
cd aqbar_ws/src
git clone
You then need to copy the udev rules
sudo cp udev_rules/99-udev-novint.rules /etc/udev/rules.d*
If you want to use the simualted arm, you will also need to clone this package: into your workspace, and checkout and kinetic-devel branch
cd aqbar_ws/src
git clone
cd panda_moveit_config
git checkout origin/kinetic-devel
Finally we can build the two packages
cd aqbar_ws
You should now be able the simulated code with
roslaunch aqbar sim.launch
Or the physical code with
roslaunch aqbar ard.launch