A 3d engine written in scheme.
Currently Tehila is alpha-quality, and very Chicken Scheme specific. There's tons of room for speed optimization, and plenty to do to make it more scheme-like. But it's progressing quite nicely.
You'll need the following eggs:
To install, first install chicken scheme, and then:
sudo chicken-install opengl
sudo chicken-install glut
git clone git://github.com/sgrove/tehila.git
That's it! Tehila is setup with all its dependencies.
For general usage, pass your logic file to Tehila by:
csi launcher.scm <some-logic-file.scm>
If you omit any file, then the launcher will give you a menu to launch any file in the examples/ directory
csi launcher.scm
Choose one and you should the example appear.
The Nehe tutorials 1-5 have been translated and are in the examples directory. Edit launcher.scm to specify which to open.