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  1. Edit your composer.json to require "sgtaziz/steamauth": "~1.2".
  2. Run composer update to download and install the package.
  3. Copy vendor/sgtaziz/steamauth/src/config/steamauth.php to config/steamauth.php.
  4. Edit steamauth.php to include your Steam API key.
  5. Open up config/app.php and add 'sgtaziz\SteamAuth\SteamAuthServiceProvider' as a service provider. You must also add 'SteamAuth' => 'sgtaziz\SteamAuth\Facades\SteamAuth' to aliases.


Currently, the only real usable function is SteamAuth::Auth(). Example:

	$user = SteamAuth::Auth();
	if ($user)
		$name = $user['personaname'];
		$steamid64 = $user['steamid'];
		echo $name . ' has the steamid ' . $steamid64;

SteamAuth::Auth() will automatically redirect the user to Steam's website to login. Once authenticated, it will return to the previous page and $user will be a valid variable if Steam was used successfully to authenticate the user. SteamAuth::Auth() will also return an associative array with these values:

Variables of $user

Public Variables

  1. steamid - 64bit SteamID of the user
  2. communityvisibilitystate - 1 = Private | 2 = Friends Only | 3 = Public
  3. profilestate - When set to one, means that the user has setup their Steam Community profile
  4. personaname - The user's Steam alias
  5. lastlogoff - Unix timestamp of when the user was last online
  6. commentpermission - When available, it means that anyone can comment on the profile
  7. profileurl - The URL of the user's profile
  8. avatar - A small version of the user's avatar
  9. avatarmedium - A medium version of the user's avatar
  10. avatarfull - The highest quality version of the user's avatar
  11. personastate - 0 = Offline | 1 = Online | 2 = Busy | 3 = Away | 4 = Snooze | 5 = Looking to Trade | 6 = Looking to Play

Private Variables

  1. realname - The user's "real name" set on their profile
  2. primaryclanid - The user's primary group
  3. timecreated - Unix timestamp of the account's creation date
  4. gameid - If the user is in a game, the game ID of the game he is currently in
  5. gameserverip - When possible, the IP of the server the user is currently in
  6. gameextrainfo - The name of the game the user is currently playing

See this for more info.


This is not meant to be used as a way to authenticate users on your website, but simply a way to get their steam information. Once you do that, you may store it in your own database and use that plus SteamAuth to authenticate users.