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University Based Advanced Club Management App

Welcome to Club Hub Readme

Club Hub is a club management app which is designed to solve the issue faced by students , club managers and the administration . A single comprehensive app which caters all the needs.


I have built this app because I saw this issue of lack of exposure of clubs to college students. Many students miss out their passion and are not able to join the club which matches their passion . This app will help students as well as administration for a smoother flow. Students will have an overall idea about the club before joining it and they can see the various clubs which are present in their college.

Tech Stack

  • Frontend-> Flutter (Provider state management)
  • Backend -> MongoDb, Express.js ,Node.js ,Firebase

What's Special

Role based access control: User's can only access those features which are relevant to them . Based on their roles differnet functionality will be available.


Here are just a few screenshots which i took.

onboarding-screen onboarding1 onboarding3
create_accnt login explore
create_club_super profile_image applications
messaging_club-managers notification_club-managers push_notification
user_home teams_students view_teams_club-managers


  • Role-Based Access Control: Users are segmented into Super Admins, Club Managers, and Users, each with specific access and functionalities. Club Management:
  • Super Admins can create and manage clubs.
  • Club Managers can create teams, manage applications, and send notifications.
  • Users can explore and join clubs, view assigned tasks, and engage in team chats.
  • Notifications: Send and receive both general and club-specific notifications, including push notifications.
  • Task Management: Club Managers can assign tasks to team members, who can then view and update their progress.
  • Profile Management: All users can update their profiles, including changing profile pictures and logging out.
  • Real-Time Messaging: Club members can communicate through a chat interface for enhanced collaboration.


  • Registration and Authentication: Users register and are authenticated, directing them to the appropriate interface based on their role (Super Admin, Club Manager, User).
  • Creating and Managing Clubs: Super Admins can create clubs by providing details like the club name, description, type, and image.
  • Team Creation and Management: Club Managers can create teams by selecting members and assigning project details. They can also view and manage existing teams.
  • Applications Management: Club Managers can review and process student applications to join the club, with options to accept or reject.
  • Task Assignment: Club Managers assign tasks to team members, who can view and manage their tasks within the app.
  • Sending Notifications: Club Managers can send notifications to all users or specific club members, ensuring everyone stays informed.
  • User Interaction: Users can explore clubs, join teams, view tasks, and communicate with teammates through the app's chat feature.

Video Demo

Check the App out->


Just clone the repository and start running the app your emulator or physical device.