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This repository offers a detailed reference guide for key JavaScript objects and properties, including descriptions and examples for interacting with the browser, manipulating the DOM, handling events, and more, organized by functionality for easy navigation.

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JavaScript Browser API Reference

JavaScript provides various Browser API Reference to interact with the browser environment, the document, and events. Here is a list of key objects and properties along with a brief explanation of each:

Global Objects and Properties

1. window

  • The global object representing the browser window or tab.
  • Examples:
    • window.innerWidth
    • window.innerHeight
    • window.alert()
    • window.location

2. document

  • Represents the HTML document loaded in the window.
  • Examples:
    • document.getElementById()
    • document.getElementById()
    • document.querySelector()
    • document.querySelectorAll()
    • document.title
    • document.URL

3. navigator

  • Provides information about the browser.
  • Examples:
    • navigator.userAgent
    • navigator.language
    • navigator.onLine
    • navigator.geolocation

4. screen

  • Provides information about the user's screen.
  • Examples:
    • screen.width
    • screen.height
    • screen.colorDepth
    • screen.orientation

5. location

  • Provides information about the current URL.
  • Examples:
    • location.href
    • location.hostname
    • location.pathname
    • location.searc

6. history

  • Allows manipulation of the browser session history.
  • Examples:
    • history.back()
    • history.forward()
    • history.go()
    • history.length

7. console

  • Provides access to the browser's debugging console.
  • Examples:
    • console.log()
    • console.error()
    • console.warn()
    • console.table()

Event Objects

1. Event

  • The base event object from which all other event objects derive.
  • Examples:
    • event.type
    • event.preventDefault()
    • event.stopPropagation()

2. MouseEvent

  • Represents events that occur due to the user interacting with a pointing device.
  • Examples:
    • event.clientX
    • event.clientY
    • event.button
    • event.relatedTarget

3. KeyboardEvent

  • Represents events that occur due to the user interacting with a keyboard.
  • Examples:
    • event.key
    • event.code
    • event.altKey
    • event.ctrlKey

4. TouchEvent

  • Represents events that occur due to the user interacting with a touch screen.
  • Examples:
    • event.touches
    • event.targetTouches
    • event.changedTouches

5. FocusEvent

  • Represents events that occur when an element gains or loses focus.
  • Examples:
    • event.relatedTarget

6. InputEvent

  • Represents events that occur when the value of an <input>, <textarea>, or <select> element changes.
  • Examples:
    • event.inputType

Network and Storage Objects

1. XMLHttpRequest

  • Allows for making HTTP requests to retrieve data from a URL without refreshing the page.
  • Examples:
    • xhr.send()
    • xhr.responseText
    • xhr.status

2. fetch

  • A modern interface for making HTTP requests.
  • Examples:
    fetch(url).then(response => response.json())

3. localStorage

  • Allows storage of key-value pairs in a web browser with no expiration time.
  • Examples:
    • localStorage.setItem()
    • localStorage.getItem()
    • localStorage.removeItem()

4. sessionStorage

  • Allows storage of key-value pairs for the duration of the page session.
  • Examples:
    • sessionStorage.setItem()
    • sessionStorage.getItem()
    • sessionStorage.removeItem()

Additional Objects

1. FormData

  • Represents form data that can be sent using XMLHttpRequest or fetch.
  • Examples:
    • formData.append()
    • formData.delete()
    • formData.entries()

2. URL

  • Provides utilities for working with URLs.
  • Examples:
    • new URL()
    • url.searchParams
    • url.href
    • url.pathname

3. Worker

  • Represents a background task that can be run without interfering with the user interface.
  • Examples:
    • new Worker()
    • worker.postMessage()
    • worker.terminate()

4. WebSocket

  • Provides a way to open a persistent connection between the client and server.
  • Examples:
    • new WebSocket()
    • webSocket.send()
    • webSocket.onmessage

Timers and Intervals

1. setTimeout

  • Calls a function or executes code after a specified delay.
  • Examples:
    const timeoutID = setTimeout(() => { console.log('Hello!'); }, 1000);

2. setInterval

  • Repeatedly calls a function or executes code at specified intervals.
  • Examples:
    const intervalID = setInterval(() => { console.log('Hello again!'); }, 1000);


1. requestAnimationFrame

  • Tells the browser to execute a callback function to update an animation before the next repaint.
  • Examples:
    • requestAnimationFrame(callback);


1. navigator.geolocation

  • Provides access to the device’s geographic location.
  • Examples:
    • navigator.geolocation.getCurrentPosition(successCallback, errorCallback);

Device and Sensors

1. DeviceOrientationEvent

  • Provides information about the physical orientation of the device.
  • Examples:
    • window.addEventListener('deviceorientation', handler);

2. DeviceMotionEvent

  • Provides information about the acceleration of the device.
  • Examples:
    • window.addEventListener('devicemotion', handler);

Audio and Video

1. HTMLMediaElement

  • Represents media elements, like <audio> and <video>.
  • Examples:
    • video.pause()
    • audio.volume

2. MediaDevices

  • Provides access to connected media input devices like cameras and microphones.
  • Examples:
    navigator.mediaDevices.getUserMedia(constraints).then(stream => { /* use stream */ });

Canvas and Graphics

1. CanvasRenderingContext2D

  • Provides a context for drawing on a <canvas> element.
  • Examples:
    • canvas.getContext('2d')
    • ctx.fillRect()
    • ctx.drawImage()

2. WebGLRenderingContext

  • Provides a context for drawing 3D graphics on a <canvas> element using WebGL.
  • Examples:
    • canvas.getContext('webgl')
    • gl.createShader()
    • gl.createProgram()


1. Clipboard

  • Provides access to the clipboard for reading and writing text.
  • Examples:
    navigator.clipboard.writeText('Text to copy');
    navigator.clipboard.readText().then(text => { /* use text */ });.


1. Notification

  • Provides a way to display system notifications to the user.
  • Examples:
    new Notification('Hello!');
    Notification.requestPermission().then(permission => { /* use permission */ });

Drag and Drop

1. DataTransfer

  • Represents the data being dragged during a drag-and-drop operation.
  • Examples:
    event.dataTransfer.setData('text/plain', 'Hello, world!');

Web Storage and IndexedDB

1. IndexedDB

  • Provides a low-level API for storing large amounts of structured data.
  • Examples:
    •'myDatabase', 1);

Service Workers and Web Workers

1. ServiceWorker

  • Provides a way to intercept and handle network requests, including programmatically managing a cache of responses.
  • Examples:

Performance and Timing

1. Performance

  • Provides access to performance-related information.
  • Examples:
    • performance.mark()
    • performance.measure()

Push and Notifications

1. PushManager

  • Provides a way to receive messages pushed from a server.
  • Examples:


1. MutationObserver

  • Provides the ability to watch for changes being made to the DOM tree.
  • Examples:
    new MutationObserver(callback).observe(targetNode, config);

2. IntersectionObserver

  • Provides a way to asynchronously observe changes in the intersection of a target element with an ancestor element or the top-level document's viewport.
  • Examples:
    new IntersectionObserver(callback).observe(targetElement);

3. ResizeObserver

  • Provides a way to observe changes to the size of an element's content or border box.
  • Examples:
    new ResizeObserver(callback).observe(targetElement);


This repository offers a detailed reference guide for key JavaScript objects and properties, including descriptions and examples for interacting with the browser, manipulating the DOM, handling events, and more, organized by functionality for easy navigation.






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