SRT is a collector and spatial reducer of data from GEE available dataset. It allows you to calculate the spatial mean and standard deviation from several dataset inside each feature of a feature collection ('MapUnit' in the example).
The dataset collected are:
- temperature: MODIS/006/MOD11A1
- precipitation: UCSB-CHG/CHIRPS/DAILY
- ndvi: LANDSAT/LE07/C01/T1_32DAY_NDVI
The SRT is structured in 5 separated functions which can be run separately or simultanously:
- SRTtemperature()
- SRTgeomorphometry()
- SRTcurvature()
- SRTprecipitation()
- SRTndvi()
The SRT requires a polygons collection which represents the mapping units where the datsets have been spatially reduced to mean and std.
The outputs are 5 feature collections which contains several columns:
Function | Column name | Description |
SRTgeomorphometry | Elev | Elevation |
Slope | Slope | |
Asp | Aspect | |
Hill | Hillshade | |
Nss | Northness | |
Ess | Eastness | |
SIdx | Shape Index | |
Rlf | Relative relief | |
SRTcurvature | HCv | Horizontal curvature |
VCv | Vertical curvature | |
MCv | Mean curvature | |
MinCv | Minimal curvature | |
MaxCv | Maximal curvature | |
GCv | Gaussian curvature | |
SRTprecipitation | RnSum | Annual precipitation averaged over a number of years |
RnMax | Max daily precipitation of one year averaged over a number of years | |
RnStd | Std daily precipitation of one year averaged over a number of years | |
RnMed | Average daily precipitation of one year averaged over a number of years | |
SRTtemperature | TMed | Average daily mean temperature of one year averaged over a number of years |
TStd | Std daily mean temperature of one year averaged over a number of years | |
TMax | Max daily mean temperature of one year averaged over a number of years | |
SRTndvi | NDVI | 32days NDVI averaged over a number of years |
Most of the variables derived from the DEM have been calculated using TAGEE function:
Safanelli, J.L.; Poppiel, R.R.; Ruiz, L.F.C.; Bonfatti, B.R.; Mello, F.A.O.; Rizzo, R.; Demattê, J.A.M. Terrain Analysis in Google Earth Engine: A Method Adapted for High-Performance Global-Scale Analysis. ISPRS Int. J. Geo-Inf. 2020, 9, 400. DOI:
//generate table
var geom=ee.Geometry.BBox(94.1329327392578,25.514028970276666,94.5339337158203,25.890203351903423);
var MapUnit=geom.coveringGrid(geom.projection(),1000);
//import tool
var SRT = require('users/giacomotitti/SRT:SRTfunctions');
var temperature = SRT.SRTtemperature(MapUnit,2000,2021,30);//mapping unit, start date, end date, scale
var geomorphometry = SRT.SRTgeomorphometry(MapUnit,1000,30);//mapping unit, buffer radius for relief, scale
var curvature = SRT.SRTcurvature(MapUnit,30);//mapping unit, scale
// precipitation
var precipitation = SRT.SRTprecipitation(MapUnit,1991,2020,30);//mapping unit, start date, end date, scale
var ndvi = SRT.SRTndvi(MapUnit,2011,2020,30);//mapping unit, start date, end date, scale
Map.setCenter(94.33, 25.74, 10);
var display = function(collection,name){
var imaged = collection.reduceToImage({
properties: [name],
reducer: ee.Reducer.first()});
For any request, comment and suggestion, please write to me: [email protected]