#Cordova Image Handler Plugin A plugin developed by @romankisil and @toboqus for the manipulation of images in Android and iOS.
##How to use
This plugin provides a number of methods that can be used to manipulate images with the cordova framework. Installation is a simple process of running:
cordova plugin add https://github.com/shaman365/Cordova-Plugin-Image-Handler.git
After the plugin has been installed succesfully, it is a simple case of calling the methods described below:
This function will convert a base64 encoded image string into a jpg file within the given directory with the specified filename.
var options = {
base64string:".....", //full string excluded
destDirectory:cordova.file.externalRootDirectory, //cordova file plugin can be used
destFilename:"new-image"// exclude the file extension
doTimeStamp: "YES" //YES will include a visual timestamp on the image, NO will exclude it, defaults to NO
var cb = function(error, value){
//handle error - This is a friendly string explaining what went wrong
//returns filepath in the format 'file:///...' if successful
var filePath = value;
window.ImageHandler.base64ToJpg(options, cb);
This function will resize a given image to a maximum width/heigh whilst maintaining its aspect ratio. If the destDirectory is omitted, it will save the image in the current directory. if the destFilename is omitted, it will save the image with the currentFilename. if both destFilename and destDirectory are omitted, it will replace the selected image.
var options = {
currentDirectory: cordova.file.externalRootDirectory,
currentFilename: "originalImage",
maxSize: 640, //pixels
destDirectory: cordova.file.externalRootDirectory,
destFilename: "resizedImage"
var cb = function cb(error, value){
//handle error
//returns filepath of resized image: file:///storage/emulated/0/resizedImage.jpg (android)
var filePath = value;
window.ImageHandler.resize(options, cb);
This function will create a thumbnail from a given image (a square image with a width and height being defined in the options object). If the destDirectory is omitted, it will save the image in the current directory. if the destFilename is omitted, it will save the image with the currentFilename appended by "-thumb".
var options = {
currentDirectory: cordova.file.externalRootDirectory,
currentFilename: "originalImage",
destDirectory: cordova.file.externalRootDirectory,
destFilename: "originalImage-thumb",
thumbSize: 200 //200px X 200px
var cb = function(error, value){
//handle error
//returns filepath of resized image: file:///storage/emulated/0/originalImage-thumb.jpg (android)
var filePath = value;
window.ImageHandler.thumbnail(options, cb);
This function will rotate an image either 'ANTICLOCKWISE' or 'CLOCKWISE' by a degree of 90/180/270. if the destFilename and destDirectory is the same it will override the original image, else it will take on the value of the currentFilename/currentDirectory if undefined.
var options = {
currentDirectory: cordova.file.externalRootDirectory,
currentFilename: "originalImage",
destDirectory: cordova.file.externalRootDirectory,
destFilename: "originalImage-rotated",
direction: "ANTICLOCKWISE",
degrees: 90
var cb = function(error, value){
//handle error
//returns filepath of resized image: file:///storage/emulated/0/originalImage-rotated.jpg (android)
var filePath = value;
window.ImageHandler.rotate(options, cb);
This function will timestamp a given image in the top left hand corner with the current system date and time. If the destDirectory is omitted, it will save the image in the current directory. if the destFilename is omitted, it will save the image with the currentFilename. if both destFilename and destDirectory are omitted, it will replace the selected image.
var options = {
currentDirectory: cordova.file.externalRootDirectory,
currentFilename: "originalImage",
destDirectory: cordova.file.externalRootDirectory,
destFilename: "resizedImage"
var cb = function cb(error, value){
//handle error
//returns filepath of resized image: file:///storage/emulated/0/timestampedImage.jpg (android)
var filePath = value;
window.ImageHandler.timestamp(options, cb);
##Contributing Is there something missing, something broken or something just completely wrong? feel free to fork, fix and pull!