Crypto Hero is a crypto currency trading simulator. Users can create buy and sell orders with the top 100 crypto currencies in the world. Market prices are updated in real time using CoinCap API.
- Clone the repo and CD to the directory
- run bundle install in your terminal
- rails db:create to create a Postgres database
- rails db:seed to seed crypto data
- Finally, run rails s to start the server!
- First visit the home page and create an account
- To check out the current crypto currencies up for purchase, click on the 'cryptos' tab
- To see all the exchanges that have been made on your account, click 'portfolio'. This page will also list the current value of all investments, and current bank account
- To edit your profile with a profile picture, or blurb about yourself, click on 'edit profile'
- Ruby on Rails
- Vanilla CSS
CoinCap is a useful tool for real-time pricing and market activity for over 1,000 cryptocurrencies. Crypto Hero uses CoinCap for seeded data of the top 100 crypto currencies and to frequently update currency prices. CoinCap Api