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數字極權時代生存手記 3.0 |
Record Of Survival In Digital Totalitarian Era |
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CC-BY-SA 4.0 Licensed | Copyright © 2021-present reconsidera |
Record Of Survival In Digital Totalitarian Era consists of Luterngun, an amateur Chinese digital rights advocate's study notes and practical experience in cencorship circumvention, cybersecurity and online anonymity since 2017.
Meanwile, it also serves as a personal answer to the question of what an individual can do to counter Chinese digital leviathan, an amateurish/popular science reader pertaining to digital resistance, which is expected to help those non-tech-savvy-users live a freer and safer digital life.
“reconsidera” (reconsider+a), the name of this repo, is adapted from the acronym for “Record Of Survival In Digital Totalitarian Era”.
《數字極權時代生存手記》是 Luterngun 自 2017 年以來在突破網絡封鎖、反抗網絡審查、網絡安全、網絡匿名等方面的學習與實踐成果的記錄,同時也是對「面對中國數字利維坦,普通人可以做什麼」這個問題的個體化回應、一部關於數字反抗的通俗科普讀物,希望能對反抗數字極權統治道路上的後來者有所幫助。
repo 的名字 “reconsidera” (reconsider+a) 由 ”Record Of Survival In Digital Totalitarian Era” 的首字母縮寫改寫而來。
The CCP authorities might not notice this project, but it is entirely predictable that they won't like it. Therefore, some anti-cencorship measures are suggested to be taken in advance.
You can use URL shorteners such as https://git.io to transform the original link before distributing it. This can at least make it harder to be cencored by DNS poisoning.
你可以使用 https://git.io 等短鏈接服務轉換本站 GitHub Pages 的原始鏈接後再將它轉發到牆內。
If you want to report bugs, provide contents or have some proposals for this repo, please open an Issue or submit a Pull request.
如果你想指正本作品中的錯誤、貢獻內容或者提出建議,請提交 Issue 或發起 Pull Request。
Luterngun owner
You can download the all-in-one Markdown file reconsidera.md
in this repo and convert it to any e-book formats with tools such as Pandoc by yourself. However, that file is not guranteed to be up to date.
你可以下載倉庫中的 Markdown 文件 reconsidera.md
並使用 Pandoc 等工具自行把它轉換成電子書格式。不過,不能保證該文件是最新的。
GitHub: Luterngun
Matters: Luterngun
Mastodon: Luterngun
Twitter: 数字极权时代生存手记
2047: Luterngun
This project is licensed under CC-BY-SA 4.0
本作品採用知識共享署名-相同方式共享 4.0 國際 (CC-BY-SA 4.0)許可協議授權
共享 — 在任何媒介以任何形式複製、發行本作品
演繹 — 修改、轉換或以本作品為基礎進行創作 在任何用途下,甚至商業目的。
署名 — 您必須給出適當的署名,提供指向本許可協議的鏈接,同時標明是否(對原始作品)作了修改。您可以用任何合理的方式來署名,但是不得以任何方式暗示許可人為您或您的使用背書。
相同方式共享 — 如果您再混合、轉換或者基於本作品進行創作,您必須基於與原先許可協議相同的許可協議 分發您貢獻的作品。
沒有附加限制 — 您不得適用法律術語或者 技術措施 從而限制其他人做許可協議允許的事情。