This release adds support for the sitemap (using the new sitemap API endpoints). You can read more about the new sitemap setup from these links:
This also adds references to updated email texts (a content management concept for email templates). If you have made changes to the transaction processes, you need to update your transaction process with updated email templates to take email texts into use - after which you can start editing those email texts through Console. Check the updated email templates at ext/transaction-processes.
Translations changes
Old translations with updated arguments:
The marketplaceCurrency was passed as argument for these translation keys:
"EditListingPricingAndStockPanel.listingPriceCurrencyInvalid": "The listing currency is different from the marketplace currency ({marketplaceCurrency}). You cannot edit the price.",
"EditListingPricingPanel.listingPriceCurrencyInvalid": "The listing currency is different from the marketplace currency ({marketplaceCurrency}). You cannot edit the price.",
Changes v3.3.0
[add] Change transaction process reference to contain updated email templates, which support email
texts (a content management concept for email templates).
#240 -
[fix] CheckoutPage: Fix wrong pending state name at checkout page.
#246 -
[add] This removes old express-sitemap setup and starts generating sitemaps with sitemap package.
- Robots.txt and sitemap-* resources will be generated on request
- There's a small in-memory cache in use for these files.
[fix] Prev PR (#241) changed the structure of config.stripe unintentionally.
#242 -
[fix] Ensure that stripe currencies have valid subunit divisors and add subunit divisors for BGN,
CZK, PLN, RON. #241 -
[change] configHelpers.js: remove trailing slash from marketplaceRootURL
#239 -
[fix] webmanifest error should use log and not return 500 if rendering dynamic data fails.