- OS: Ubuntu 20.04.06
- Python: 3.7.17
- PyTorch: 1.11.0+cu113
- spconv-cu113: 2.2.6
- CUDA: 11.3
- CMake: 3.25.2 or higher
# Basic python libraries
python3.7.17 -m venv DAT
source DAT/bin/activate
git clone [email protected]:sharifinjf/DAT.git
pip install -r requirements.txt
# Set the CUDA/CuDNN path (change the path to your own CUDA location)
export PATH=/usr/local/cuda-10.1/bin:$PATH
export CUDA_ROOT=/usr/local/cuda-10.1
export CUDA_HOME=/usr/local/cuda-10.1
export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/usr/local/cuda-10.1/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH
Be sure to change the paths in configs and syspath in the following files:
- train.py
- evaluate.py
- trajectory.py
- visualize.py
- Comparison_visulize
- det3d/datasets/nuscenes/nuscenes.py
- tools/create_data.py
- tools/dist_test.py
DAT works with both versions of the nuScenes dataset: v1.0-trainval and v1.0-mini. The v1.0-mini version is a good option for debugging.
# For nuScenes Dataset
├── samples <-- key frames
├── sweeps <-- frames without annotation
├── maps <-- unused
├── v1.0-trainval <-- metadata
Data creation should be under the GPU environment.
The dataset path must be set in the configs/centerpoint
directory and in the evaluate.py
# nuScenes
#python tools/create_data.py nuscenes_data_prep --root_path NUSCENES_DATASET_ROOT --version v1.0-trainval --timesteps 7
#python tools/create_data.py nuscenes_data_prep --root_path NUSCENES_DATASET_ROOT --version v1.0-mini --timesteps 7
In the end, the data and info files should be organized as follows
# For nuScenes Dataset
├── samples <-- key frames
├── sweeps <-- frames without annotation
├── maps <-- unused
|── v1.0-trainval <-- metadata and annotations
|__ trainval_forecast
|── infos_train_10sweeps_withvelo_filter_True.pkl <-- train annotations
|── infos_val_10sweeps_withvelo_filter_True.pkl <-- val annotations
|── dbinfos_train_10sweeps_withvelo.pkl <-- GT database info files
|── gt_database_10sweeps_withvelo <-- GT database
Use the following command to start a distributed training and evaluation. The models and logs will be saved to models/CONFIG_NAME
. Results will be save to results/CONFIG_NAME
# Cars
python train.py --experiment DAT --model forecast_n0
python evaluate.py --experiment DAT --model forecast_n0 --forecast_mode velocity_constant --cohort_analysis --extractBox
# Pedestrians
python train.py --experiment DAT --model pedestrian_forecast_n0
python evaluate.py --experiment DAT --model forecast_n0 --forecast_mode velocity_constant --cohort_analysis --classname pedestrian --extractBox
# Cars
python train.py --experiment DAT --model forecast_n3
python evaluate.py --experiment DAT --model forecast_n3 --forecast_mode velocity_forward --cohort_analysis --extractBox
# Pedestrians
python train.py --experiment DAT --model pedestrian_forecast_n3
python evaluate.py --experiment DAT --model forecast_n3 --forecast_mode velocity_forward --cohort_analysis --classname pedestrian --extractBox
# Cars
python train.py --experiment DAT --model forecast_n3dtf
python evaluate.py --experiment DAT --model forecast_n3dtf --forecast_mode velocity_dense --cohort_analysis --extractBox
python evaluate.py --experiment DAT --model forecast_n3dtf --forecast_mode velocity_dense --cohort_analysis --K 5 --eval_only
# Pedestrians
python train.py --experiment DAT --model pedestrian_forecast_n3dtf
python evaluate.py --experiment DAT --model forecast_n3dtf --forecast_mode velocity_dense --cohort_analysis --classname pedestrian --extractBox
python evaluate.py --experiment DAT --model forecast_n3dtf --forecast_mode velocity_dense --cohort_analysis --K 5 --classname pedestrian --eval_only
# Cars
python train.py --experiment DAT --model forecast_n3dtfm
python evaluate.py --experiment DAT --model forecast_n3dtfm --forecast_mode velocity_dense --cohort_analysis --extractBox
python evaluate.py --experiment DAT --model forecast_n3dtfm --forecast_mode velocity_dense --cohort_analysis --K 5 --eval_only
# Pedestrians
python train.py --experiment DAT --model pedestrian_forecast_n3dtf
python evaluate.py --experiment DAT --model forecast_n3dtfm --forecast_mode velocity_dense --cohort_analysis --classname pedestrian --extractBox
python evaluate.py --experiment DAT --model forecast_n3dtfm --forecast_mode velocity_dense --cohort_analysis --K 5 --classname pedestrian --eval_only
# Cars
python train.py --experiment DAT --model forecast_n3dtfm
python evaluate.py --experiment DAT --model pp_forecast_n3dtfm --forecast_mode velocity_dense --cohort_analysis --extractBox
python evaluate.py --experiment DAT --model pp_forecast_n3dtfm --forecast_mode velocity_dense --cohort_analysis --K 5 --eval_only
# Pedestrians
python train.py --experiment DAT --model pp_pedestrian_forecast_n3dtf
python evaluate.py --experiment DAT --model pp_forecast_n3dtfm --forecast_mode velocity_dense --cohort_analysis --classname pedestrian --extractBox
python evaluate.py --experiment DAT --model pp_forecast_n3dtfm --forecast_mode velocity_dense --cohort_analysis --K 5 --classname pedestrian --eval_only
extractBox -> Uses modelCheckPoint to run inference on GPUs and save results to disk
tp_pct -> TP percentage thresholds for ADE@TP % and FDE@TP %. Setting tp_pct to -1 returns AVG ADE/FDE over all TP threholds.
static_only -> Rescores stationary objects to have higher confidence. Result from Table 1.
eval_only -> Uses cached results to run evaluation
forecast_mode -> Detection association method. [Constant Velocity -> velocity_constant, FaF* -> velocity_forward, DAT -> velocity_dense]
classname -> Select class to evaluate. car and pedestrian currently supported.
rerank -> Assignment of forecasting score. [last, first, average]
cohort_analysis -> Reports evaluation metrics per motion subclass static/linear/nonlinear.
K -> topK evaluation, only useful for FutureDet
This project is not possible without multiple great opensourced codebases. We list some notable examples below.
- TrajectoryNAS
- FutuerDet
- det3d
- second.pytorch
- CenterNet
- OpenPCDet
- CenterPoint