This repo contains the source code for the writeup on how to build a streaming pipeline in GCP using the Twitter API, GCE, Pub / Sub, Dataflow, and BigQuery.
Clone the repo to your local environment. Follow the steps in the article and save the necessery credentials and files to the local repo:
git clone
cd twitter-streamer-GCP
code .
Install the necessary Dataflow dependencies:
pip install ‘apache-beam[gcp]’
pip install google-cloud-language==2.6.1
Modify the credentials in and then run:
python3 \
--project "<YOUR_PROJECT_ID>" \
--input_topic "projects/<PROJECT_ID>/subscriptions/<YOUR_PUBSUB_SUBSCRIPTION>" \
--runner DataflowRunner \
--staging_location "gs://<YOUR_BEAM_BUCKET>/stg" \
--temp_location "gs://YOUR_BEAM_BUCKET/temp" \
--region europe-north1 \
--save_main_session True \
--streaming \
--max_num_workers 1
Upload GCE files to storage bucket via gsutil or cloud console:
gsutil cp pubsub_creds.json gs://<BUCKET_NAME>/ \
gsutil cp gs://<BUCKET_NAME>/ \
gsutil cp requirements.txt gs://<BUCKET_NAME>/
Start Compute Engine and Tweet streamer script:
gcloud compute instances create <VM_NAME> \
--project=<YOUR_PROJECT_ID> \
--zone=<YOUR_ZONE> \
--machine-type=<INSTANCE_TYPE> \
--service-account=<SERVICE_ACCOUNT_EMAIL> \
--create-disk=auto-delete=yes,boot=yes,device-name=<VM-NAME>,image=projects/debian-cloud/global/images/debian-11-bullseye-v20220920,mode=rw,size=10 \
Check BigQuery after a minute or two and confirm that tweets are flowing in correctly.