A simple web app to turn my old little-used tablet into a makeshift clock & weather displayer on my nightstand, to show time and weather. Many weather apps don't show the time, and many clock apps don't show the weather in large enough fonts, so I created my own! Shows key information in large and bold so one can see the time and weather wherever in the room. Example screenshots are below! Also check it out here.
I'm using the OpenWeatherMap API for weather data. Since Github Pages websites are static, it's not possible to completely hide the API key server-side. As an alternative, to see the weather, the app requires the user to input the API key manually in the settings for first use; a little inconvenient. Signing up for a key is free.
This project was written with React.js and has responsive design from Bootstrap. It was bootstrapped with Create React App, with time and date formatted by moment.js.