Objective: Run a Automation Test session on BrowserStack’s infrastructure. Start on BrowserStack to automate this test case using any programming language of your choice.
- Using Selenium, load the flipkart.com desktop home page.
- Search for the product "Samsung Galaxy S10" on that page.
- On the search results click on "Mobiles" in categories.
- Apply the following filters (in filters section on the left hand side):
- Brand: Samsung
- Select Flipkart assured
- Sort the entries with Price -> High to Low.
- Read the set of results that show up on page 1.
- Create a list with the following parameters, and print this on the console.
- Product Name
- Display Price
- Link to Product Details Page
Please configure such that the same test case is run in parallel on different desktop browser / OS combinations, using the 5 parallels of your free trial account on BrowserStack Automate product.