REST API with JWT authentication for a generic notes app built with Deno (v1.4.0), Oak, and TypeScript.
Follow the standard procedure to clone the repository and then continue with the steps.
Denote uses denon as a nodemon alternative for deno. After installing run the following command to install denon.
$ deno install --allow-read --allow-run --allow-write --allow-net -f -q --unstable[email protected]/denon.ts
It will use the config specified in denon.json.
Run Denote with the following command:
$ denon start
If denon doesn't work (or if you don't want to monitor file changes) use the following command:
$ deno run --allow-net --allow-read server.ts
Denote reads the port it is supposed to run on from the '.env' file. The default port is 108.
GET /token # => Get auth token
GET /api/users # => Get all the users
POST /api/users # => Add a user
GET /api/users/:id # => Get one particular user
GET /api/users/:id/notes # => Get one user's notes
DELETE /api/users/:id # => Delete a user
GET /api/notes # => Get all the notes
GET /api/notes/:id # => Get one particular note
POST /api/notes # => Add a note
PUT /api/notes/:id # => Update a note
DELETE /api/notes/:id # => Delete a note
username: admin
password: admin
To get started send a request to /token with the default username and password in the body to get the auth token. That token is required to be sent with every request to any other endpoint as the 'Authorization' header.
Status | Update |
✅ | JWT Authentication |
NoSQL Database |