A implimentation of Object Relation Mapping in Golang
ORM stands for Object Relational Mapping where:
- The Object part is the one with the programming Language (Here it is golang)
- The Relational is the Database Management System (DBMS) (Here it is MYSQL)
- Mapping Stands for the bridge between the two that is Object and Tables.
- Golang (1.15 or higher)
- MySQL (4.1 or higher)
- You can install golang from https://go.dev/doc/install
- You can install MYSQL from https://dev.mysql.com/doc/mysql-installation-excerpt/5.7/en/
- Additionally you need to install go-sql driver, which you can do by installing the package to your $GOPATH with the go tool from shell:
$ go get -u github.com/go-sql-driver/mysql
Make sure Git is installed on your machine and in your system's PATH
Clone the repository in your local directory.
To run the code in terminal write:
go run main.go ORM.go
Add the following commands in main.go to use the functions
Change the _dataSourceName at main.go and it should be in the format Data Source Name (DSN)
- For initialization of Database (keep it uncommented, as additional check is applied not to rewrite the database)
- for creating table into the DB (keep it uncommented, as additional check is applied not to rewrite the database)
- Deleting table from the database, you can add your table name.
- Inserting data into the table NOTE: Use the struct Name (User) defined in ORM.go (You can change the attribute)
person := User{
Id: 11,
Name: "Ayush",
UserName: "Shaw",
Password: "Shawayush",
InsertIntoTable(person) Note: Insert before Migration works
InsertIntoTableV2(person) Note: Works all the time but function takes datatype User from the above
Note: both the function can used but InsertIntoTableV2 has a check if the right data is inserted but it checks from the structure declared above. If the data attributes used is right or not
- Fetching From query
- Different Fetches
Fetch All Data
Fetches data with the Additional filter (lazyQuery)
FetchData("Name = 'Ayush'")
- Update row
rows := FetchData()
row := rows[0]
row.Id = 10
You can directly update it from Row
row := FetchData()[0]
row.Id = 10
- Update row with Filter (lazyQuery)
row := FetchData("Name = 'Ayush'")[0]
row.Id = 10
Note: You can only update one Row value at a time
- Delete a Row
You can delete a row after fetching the row Data and using the function
row := FetchData()[0]
- Migration
Note: Use the structure defined in ORM.go (You can change the attribute)
Note: Migration will only add the table