The goal of this project is to develop 4 micro services for a blog using Python Flask.
There are 4 microservies, each having appropriate JSON data formats, HTTP methods, URL endpoints, and HTTP status codes for each service.
Articles microservice Each article consists of text, a title or headline, an author, and timestamps for article’s creation and the last time the article was modified.
Tags microservice Each article can be have one or more tags associated with it. Since this API is exposed separately from the Articles API, individual articles are referred to by URL.
Comments microservice Users can post comments on each article. As with the tags microservice, individual articles are referred to by URL. Each comment has an author and a date.
Users microservice Each user has a display name shown to other users, an email address (used as a username when logging in), and a hashed password.
- Shekhar Palit
- Rohan Bedarkar
- Akshay Bhor
- Programming Language - Python
- Web Frame Work - Flask
- DataBase - SQLite3