This repo is a personal code practice to recap the knowledge of ReactJS.
It is following below tutorials
Each folder under the main branch is an independent project.
ReactTutorial: code practice project following the tutorial No.1 , which is an item list browser.
DailyTasksApp: project refactory from the above tutorial project, which can use for set daily to-do list.
BackColorChange: tiny project for letting user can set colors for the page background, following tutorial No.1.
ReactInfoSite: web page showing information about React, which is the starter project of tutorial No.2.
BusinessCard: web page showing a business card of myself.
MockAirbnb: web page simply mocking Airbnb Experience activity card displaying, following tutorial No.2.
TravelJournal: web page displaying travelled places.
In the project directory, you can run following commands to browse the practice project or app:
Install the application for necessary packages.
Running data API which will be used in ReactTutorial project.
Open http://localhost:3500/items to view the data in your browser.
Runs the app in the development mode.
Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in your browser.
The page will reload when you make changes.
See the section about deployment for more information.