Solves rotating shallow water equations
u_t = v (f + zeta) - B_x + nu del^(a) u v_t = -u (f + zeta) - B_y + nu del^(a) v h_t = -(u h)_x - (v h)_y -(u_x + v_y)
zeta = v_x - u_y B = (u^2+v^2)/2 + Cg^2 h H = 1 + h
Sin: N x N x 3 array containing initial u, v, h, respectively f: Nondim Coriolis [ie inverse Rossby number f_0*L/U] Cg: Nondim GW speed [sqrt(g*H_0)/U] numsteps: Total number of timesteps savestep: Frequency, in timesteps, to save output Xpin: Structure Xpin.x, Xpin.y containing intial particle positions (optional)
Sout: Arranged as Sin, but with 4th dimension for time time: Times at which output is saved ke: Time series of KE pe: Time series of PE hmov: Movie of h field (if hmov included in output list) Xp: Structure with coordinates Xp(j).x, Xp(j).y of particles, where j is timestep
Numerical details
Model is spectal, in square domain of size 2*pi x 2*pi. Input fields must have N = 2^n, where n is an integer. Nonlinear terms are done in physical space using dealiased product via Orszag method. Uses AB3 timestepping with trapezoidal hyperviscosity of order a. Timestep and hyperviscosity are set adaptively, via:
dt = dttune dx/max(|u|) nu = nutune dx^a zeta_rms.