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Public Angular libraries used in various shiftcode projects.

Core Utilities; mainly services and some helper functions and rxjs operators. More details in README.

Angular Services working with AWS. More details in README.

Angular components/directives/pipes usable across different projects. More details in README.

Not used anymore starting with Angular 17. See necessary changes in

Angular to Lib Version Mapping

Shows the mapping between the angular version and our lib versions.

Angular Version Lib Version
^19 ^7
^18 ^6
^17 ^5
^16 ^4
^15 ^3
^14 ^2
^13 ^1

Anatomy of this workspace

Package manager client: npm

Individual packages can depend on each other, the dependency is resolved using ts paths (see ./tsconfig.json) make sure to build the package you depend on. Or change the tsconfig.paths to reference the files under src directory.

Lerna is used to publish the packages and to run commands in multiple packages.


All dependencies of a library are defined as peerDependencies (except tslib)

root dependencies + libs peerDependencies

When adding a peerDependency it must also be added to the root package.json as 'normal' dependency.


When opening a PR lerna publishes a new prerelease version with the preId -prXX.{COUNT}. By creating this version lerna creates a commit with the updated versions in the package.json. It does not update the PeerDependencies versions.

After merging the PR back to the master a new release is published with the graduated version (eg. 1.0.1-pr55.7 -> 1.0.1).


If it happens that you already have another commit locally, before updating the branch with this build(release):.. commit:

use rebase instead of merge

Add new library

  1. run ng generate library my-lib
  2. change libs/my-lib/package.json#name to @shiftcode/ngx-my-lib
  3. alter libs/my-lib/ng-package.json#dest to ./dist
  4. add "assets": [ "LICENSE", "" ], to libs/my-lib/ng-package.json
  5. alter tsconfig.json#compilerOptions.paths my-lib entry to @shifcode/ng-my-lib and edit paths according to #3
  6. update tsconfig files like other libs
  7. change from karma config to jest:
  8. remove libs/my-lib/src/test.ts
  9. remove libs/my-lib/karam-config.js
  10. in angular.json replace the libs test architect to "test": { "builder": "@angular-builders/jest:run" }