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Patrick Shinn edited this page Apr 13, 2016 · 4 revisions

Welcome to the WAN-Tracker wiki!

General Description

The repository is divided into two branches, stable and dev. The stable branch, as you may have already guessed, contains the most recent stable version of the software. The dev branch is for active development.

Idea Behind the Software

WAN-Tracker is built in a way that the user need only have the Python 3 interpreter installed on their system to run. This software has however designed to help maintain an owncloud installation on the system, but you do not need owncloud installed to use it. The software was built for use on home servers that have a dynamic IP address so that when the address changes, the software performs any needed modification to the web sever and owncloud installation, then informs the user of the change via email.

Operating Systems Supported

Right now WAN-Tracker is built, tested, and maintained only for Linux. In theory it should also run on OSX. Right now there is NO WINDOWS SUPPORT. Most people who are running home servers are running them on a Linux based system, just as I am, or have no need for a WAN tracking software. I may make a Windows branch later on, but for now I haven't. If there is ever an expressed interest in a Windows branch, chances are that I will make one, but until then there are no plans to do so.


Please report all issues in the issues portion of the repository or by emailing me at [email protected]


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