- #81 by @gabemontero: Added log following / tailing of active buildruns to 'shp buildrun logs' via the '-F' or '--follow' arguments
- #76 by @sm43: Adds support to specify labels and annotations on BuildRun objects to be set on output images
- #71 by @jerolimov: Initialize klog with (go)flags and add these flags to pflag as well
- #68 by @sm43: Adds support for img labels and anno. in build create cmd
- #72 by @sm43: Fixes create cmds to return an error if env passed is invalid
- #67 by @SaschaSchwarze0: Ensure revision is not set to an empty string
- #65 by @SaschaSchwarze0: Remove duplicate buildrun logs command
- #82 by @SaschaSchwarze0: Update compile and test dependencies
- #75 by @SaschaSchwarze0: Add verify action