This repository contains a ROS-Humble based object detection project. It allows you to record videos, replay them, and run object detection on the recorded data using ROS 2 and an object detection node.
This project is a ROS-Humble based object detection application that uses a pre-trained object detection model. The system supports recording videos in .mcap
format, replaying them, and running an object detection node that processes the frames and identifies objects in real-time.
To record a video in .mcap
format, use a ROS 2-compatible recording tool. Ensure that your ROS setup is running and configured to capture the desired video stream.
Once you have recorded a video, you can replay it using the following command:
ros2 bag play -s mcap rec1_0.mcap
colcon build
source ./install/setup.bash
ros2 run object_det object_det_node --ros-args -p image_subscription:="/oakd/rgb/preview/image_raw"