ImportError: No module named gazebo_ros_link_attacher.srv
- Reinstalled task4_spawn_models.pyc
Gazebo not loading
- Just wait man it will load
- One time pain in ass
[Wrn] [] Conversion of sensor type[depth] not supported.
- Not solved
- Instructor told to move on
- Make urdf link and joints graph
- Visulaize urdf file generated in moveit_setup_assistant
- Two cameras -> Choose 2nd one
imageTopicName: /camera/color/image_raw2
depthImageTopicName: /camera/depth/image_raw2
pointCloudTopicName: depth/points2 (camera2/depth/points2)
- Difference between above pieces of shit -> Explore message types
- See ros messages info
- Pointcloud
imageTopicName: /camera/color/image_raw2: sensor_msgs/Image
depthImageTopicName: /camera/depth/image_raw2: sensor_msgs/Image
pointCloudTopicName: depth/points2 (camera2/depth/points2): sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
- Visualize this images
rosrun image_view image_view image:=/camera/depth/image_raw2
- Visualize pointcloud2 in rviz
For frame [camera_depth_frame]: Frame [camera_depth_frame] does not exist
- Visualize tf_tree - Transfrom is not getting published - Start jointStatePublisher and robotStatePublisher - Make new package using moveit setup assistant
- Start move_group node
- ros_controller.yaml
- trajectory_controller.yaml
- joint_state_controller.yaml
- rviz
- move group node
[ERROR] [1608451086.851663015]: Group 'gripper' is not a chain
[ERROR] [1608451086.851793328]: Kinematics solver of type 'kdl_kinematics_plugin/KDLKinematicsPlugin' could not be initialized for group 'gripper'
[ERROR] [1608451086.851897584]: Kinematics solver could not be instantiated for joint group gripper.
- Remove kinematics solver from the package
[ERROR] [1608460956.311072813, 2.437000000]: ebot_base link was not found
- Load complete urdf file in moveit_setup_assistant
[ERROR] [1608461396.076735933]: No sensor plugin specified for octomap updater 0; ignoring.
- Specify pluggins
- Configure the 3D sensors on your robot with MoveIt
- Point cloud
[ERROR] [1608527089.121164405, 4.343000000]: Transform error: Lookup would require extrapolation into the future. Requested time 4.260000000 but the latest data is at time 4.200000000, when looking up transform from frame [FWL] to frame [camera_depth_frame2]
[ERROR] [1608527089.121428651, 4.343000000]: Transform cache was not updated. Self-filtering may fail.
- tf/Tutorials/tf and Time (Python)
- tf_monitor
- rqt_tf_tree
- Why robot_state_publisher publishes at different frequency?
- Why some publisher have 10000 publish rate?
- Increase joint_state_publisher rate
- 20 works fine
- Consuming too much resources (cpu)
- Reduce the octomap range (Instructor) -> Doesm't help
- Even turning off gazebo's gui doesn't help
- Saving tutorial
- Explore octomap_server
- octomap_server loads a 3D map (as Octree-based OctoMap) and distributes it to other nodes in a compact binary format. See octomap_saver on how to request or save a map file.
- Explore octomap_mapping
- TODO: Check later if required
- python-pcl dependency error
- PCL installed but at what cost (whole ros got deleted (-_-))
- Install ros
- PCL and ros melodic can't be together
- Here comes conda, create new env and change the interpreter path in the script
- Of course!! Some errors
- About methods of PCL classes
- Ros to pcl message conversion
- Filter codes
- Dependency error
- Create softlinks(trial1)
conda create -n trial1 python=2.7.17
conda install -c sirokujira pcl --channel conda-forge
conda install -c sirokujira python-pcl --channel conda-forge
ln -s
ln -s
ln -s
ln -s
ln -s
ln -s
ln -s
ln -s
ImportError: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/ undefined symbol: _ZN3pcl9PCDWriter10writeASCIIERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEERKNS_14PCLPointCloud2ERKN5Eigen6MatrixIfLi4ELi1ELi0ELi4ELi1EEERKNSC_10QuaternionIfLi0EEEi
- Couldn't solve this
- Build from source
- udacity/RoboND-Perception-Exercises
cl/_pcl_180.cpp:1:2: error: #error Do not use this file, it is the result of a failed Cython compilation. #error Do not use this file, it is the result of a failed Cython compilation. ^~~~~ error: command 'x86_64-linux-gnu-gcc' failed with exit status 1
- Some issue with cython version
- Cython version
pcl/pxi/PointCloud_PointXYZRGB_180.pxi:104:29: Cannot take address of Python variable
- Works with Cython=0.25.2
- Explore sensor_msgs/PointCloud2
- Convert ROS pc to PCL pc
- Downsampling using the Voxel Grid Filter
- The idea behind data downsampling is just to speed things up less points means less time needed to spend within the segmentation loop.
- Filter out points which are outside a specific range of a specific axis
- This filters out the statistical noise of the scene
- Uses point neighborhood statistics to filter outlier data
- TODO: Issue when you use for PointCloud_PointXYZRGB
- Visualise *.pcd file
pcl_viewer -multiview 1 <pcd_filepath>
- Available in PointCloud, not in PointCloud_PointXYZRGB()
- I implemented it using 3 passthrough filters in series, for PointCloud_PointXYZRGB()
- Available in PointCloud
- KDtree
- In nutshell we create clusters of points, and thus separate objects
- Available in PointCloud, not in PointCloud_PointXYZRGB()
- TODO: Order of filter can be optimised later if required, by checking the time taken
- Explore all the algorithms
- Pointcloud map
- Train Pointnet
- Architecture and Implementation
- Tutorial
- Implement your own motherfucking pointnet
- Pre-trained model in pytorch
- Pre-trained model in tensorflow
- Point Cloud Deep Learning Extension Library for PyTorch
- I could load Pointnet model on using pytorch
- Pre-trained model in pytorch
- Change some part of the codes so that it can work on your cpu
Thank me later you noob coders