For this project, we'll be predicting house prices using a dataset, and we'll use Python, Pandas, Scikit-learn, and Spark. Here is an outline of the procedure:
Collect the dataset Explore and preprocess the data Train a machine learning model Evaluate the model Save the model (linear_regression_model.pkl' and 'scaler.pkl' files are saved) #above(step 4 to 8) is done in extend this project by adding more advanced models, feature engineering, or by deploying it as a web service using FastAPI. Let's create a simple REST API using FastAPI to serve predictions from the trained model. First, ensure you have FastAPI and Uvicorn installed You can install them using the following command: pip install fastapi uvicorn To run the application, execute the following command in your terminal: uvicorn app:app --reload FastAPI application is now running successfully. Your application is listening on, which means it is accessible from any IP address on port 8000.
used common HTTP methods you can use with FastAPI:
GET: Retrieve information from the server (read-only). POST: Send data to the server to create a new resource. PUT: Update an existing resource on the server. DELETE: Remove a resource from the server.
Then created a simple web application interface using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript to interact with your FastAPI backend. This interface will allow users to input house features and then send GET, PUT, and POST requests to the FastAPI server to get predictions and perform other operations.
Due to CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) restrictions, enabled CORS on FastAPI server To enable CORS in your FastAPI application, follow these steps:
Install FastAPI's CORS middleware package fastapi.middleware.cors: pip install fastapi[all] Import CORSMiddleware and add it to your FastAPI application. In your main FastAPI application file (where you define your API routes)
FastAPI application is now running on You can access the auto-generated API documentation by opening your web browser and navigating to From there, you can interact with the API endpoints. To test your application, you can use a tool like Postman or Insomnia, or you can write Python scripts to make requests to the API.