MTCNN face detection with C and Arm-CMSIS-DSP
The project is a MTCNN face detection based on C. To implement MTCNN in MCU, the project doesn't rely on any library and you can use ARM-CMSIS-DSP to accelerate the matrix multiplication. The input data is a RGB CHW txt, and output is the keypoints of face and bounding box of face.
输入为RGB CHW格式的文本文件,输出为人脸包围盒和人脸关键点。
git clone
cd MTCNN-PureC
mkdir build
cd build
cmake ..
输入为RGB CHW 格式图像生成的文本文件,可使用如下代码生成,另外使用时需要在include/test.h
import numpy as np
import cv2
img = cv2.imread("1.jpg")
img_ = img[:,:,::-1].transpose((2,0,1))
np.savetxt('input1.txt', img_.reshape(-1), "%d")
- boundingBox3 is 160 72 450 362 //(x1, y1, x2, y2)
- keyPoint0 is 259.010193 188.661850
- keyPoint1 is 350.958679 183.481461
- keyPoint2 is 309.558563 237.440964
- keyPoint3 is 267.242126 291.008728
- keyPoint4 is 354.936646 283.069946
The project mainly refers to MTCNN-light and remove OpenCV and OpenBLAS dependencies.
Convolution is implemented by im2col and matrix multiplication.