Giga leverages the following fine libraries:
- require.js — All JS in Giga is wrapped as an AMD module.
- almond.js — optimized builds are built with the require.js optimizer to include almond
- CreateJS PreloadJS — makes possible the pretty progress meter during site load (etc)
- History.js — as GAIA used SWFAddress, Giga uses History.js
- when.js / Q.js — Promises implementation
- signals.js — "Event" dispatching
- Greensock tweening — GAIA used Greensock (ActionScript) , Giga uses Greensock (JavaScript)
- Zepto / JQuery — Selector engine
See /demo/module/js/Site.js The demo in /demo/site uses Giga built as a full site.
All the necessary JS is built into one minified file: /site/js/test/Site.min.js (jquery is excluded as you might wish to lean on a cached CDN)
You'll need to install these fine tools:- ant -- build.xml is an ant build script
- node.js is a dependency for most of the build tools.
- java -- The google closure compiler runs on java
- yui (yuicompressor), The Yahoo Tools -- used to combine and compress CSS http://
- r.js (v2.1.5) -- the require.js optimizer script
- closure_compiler.jar -- Google's closure compiler Pre-built Closure binaries can be found at
- jslint.jar — optional js linter (highly recommended), you'll need to remove the linting sub-tasks if you forego installing jslint.
- jsdoc-toolkit.dir — optional jsdoc tool. Used to generate documentation.
for documentation: ant generateDocs