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A Slack API mocker for Slack bot integration tests.


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A Slack API mocker for all your Slack bot and Slack app integration tests.

Mock All Slack APIs

Slack Mock will mock all seven ways of pushing data into and pulling data from Slack. You can use it to mock calls to

You can use your API calls as is without changing any URLs or tokens. Slack Mock will capture all outbound HTTP requests to and, so Slack will never receive your API calls.

With Slack-Mock you can inspect all outbound requests and trigger incoming requests to make sure your bot is doing the right thing.

No Magic Included

OK, there's a little magic included in capturing HTTP requests, but that's it. No timeouts, magic promises, or events. Integration tests are hard, trying to make them easy with "convenience" abstractions that are out of your control only makes them harder.

Integration test by their nature are testing a closed system: you are inspecting from the outside a complex flow between at least two entities (your bot and the Slack API) and there is no guaranteed way to know when that flow is complete by observing from the outside. Any attempt to guess when the communication is complete will be wrong some of the time and just cause you frustration.

That's why Slack Mock provides simple, synchronous methods to queue, trigger, and inspect messages to and from Slack. No magic included.

To write a Slack Mock integration test queue up responses from Slack to your bot, then use Slack Mock to send a message from Slack to your bot to trigger a bot action, wait some time, then assert that your bot made the correct calls to Slack in order. How long do you wait? It depends on what your bot is doing. Play around a little and see what works. I find a 50 millisecond wait is more than enough for most flows.


See the examples tests for full examples of mocking both a single-team RTM bot and a full Slack App. You can run the examples with npm run examples.

Events API

const payload = {...}

return'http://localhost:9000/event', payload)
  .then(() => {
    const firstCall =[0]

Incoming Webhooks

// incoming webhooks
const firstCall = slackMock.incomingWebhooks.calls[0]
expect(firstCall.params.text).to.equal('hello world')

Interactive Buttons

const payload = {...}

slackMock.interactiveButtons.addResponse({statusCode: 201})

return slackMock.interactiveButtons.send('http://localhost:9000/button', payload)
  .then(() => {
    const responseUrlCall = _.find(slackMock.interactiveButtons.calls, {type: 'response_url'})
    expect(responseUrlCall.params.text).to.equal('GO CUBS')

Outgoing Webhooks

const payload = {...}

return slackMock.outgoingWebhooks.send('http://localhost:9000/outgoing', payload)
  .then(() => {
    const firstCall = slackMock.outgoingWebhooks.calls[0]
    expect(firstCall.params.text).to.equal('GO CUBS')


return slackMock.rtm.send({token: 'abc123', type: 'message', channel: 'mockChannel', user: 'usr', text: 'hello'})
  .then(() => {
    expect(slackMock.rtm.calls[0].message.text).to.equal('GO CUBS')

Slash Commands

const payload = {...}

return slackMock.slashCommands.send('http://localhost:9000/slash', payload)
  .then(() => {

    const responseUrlCall = _.find(slackMock.slashCommands.calls, {type: 'response_url'})
    expect(responseUrlCall.params.text).to.equal('GO CUBS')

OAuth (Web + RTM API)


  url: '',
  statusCode: 200,
  body: {
    access_token: 'xoxp-XXXXXXXX-XXXXXXXX-XXXXX',
    scope: 'incoming-webhook,commands,bot',
    team_name: 'mockTeam',
    team_id: 'Tmock',
    bot: {
      bot_user_id: 'Bmock',
      bot_access_token: botToken

  url: '',
  statusCode: 200,
  body: {
    ok: true,
    self: {
      name: 'mockSelf',
      id: 'Bmock'
    team: {
      name: 'mockTeam',
      id: 'Tmock'

  method: 'POST',
  uri: 'http://localhost:9000/oauth',
  qs: {
    code: 'abc123'
}, (err) => {
  if (err) {
    return console.log(err)

  return delay(250) // wait for oauth flow to complete, rtm to be established
    .then(() => {
      return slackMock.rtm.send(botToken, {type: 'message', channel: 'mockChannel', user: 'usr', text: 'hello'})
    .then(() => {
      expect(slackMock.rtm.calls[0].message.text).to.equal('GO CUBS')
    .then(() => done(), (e) => done(e))

API Conventions

Slack Mock will intercept all requests to and There's no need to change any URLs in your bot.

Here are the method conventions. Not every API wrapper supports each of these methods, see the API docs below:

  • addResponse will add the next response returned. You can call mutlitple times to queue responses. If you set a url option, then the response will only be returned for that url. URL specific responses take precedence over unspecified responses
  • calls will be in order received and always contain params, headers, and url. Params contain both query params and body properties.
  • reset will always clear calls and any queued responses you have.
  • send will always send from Slack to your bot/app. Send will always return a promise for an easy way to build in delays.

There is also a top level reset convenience method that will call reset on each API wrapper.

Slack mock will respond to all requests with a 200 OK unless a custom response has been queued. For web requests, a the default body will be {ok: true}.

RTM Conventions

The RTM mocker creates a websocket server to intercept RTM websocket calls. This means unlike the other API mocks there are some truly asynchronous methods in the RTM mocker: send and stopServer. Both of these methods return promises that can be resolved or rejected.

An RTM server will automatically be created when you call and will use the token parameter you pass as a unique identifier for this server. You will receive a URL in the response body for that RTM connection.

You can start and stop the RTM server using the same access token. These methods provide a good way to test reconnection attempts by your bot as well as let you bootstrap and clean up after your tests. While you can start an RTM server explicitly in your tests, there is no need to do this if you call the rtm.start API method, as this will create a server for you.


require('slack-mock'): function(config)

The exported function used to start the Slack Mock server. Returns an instance of the server.

Slack Mock is a singleton so can only be configured once per process. Subsequent calls to slackMock() will return the same instance.

Config options are:

  • rtmPort (number, optional) The port number the RTM websocket server will be started on. Defaults to 9001.
  • logLevel (String, optional) The log level to use. One of error, warn, info, verbose, debug, or silly. Defaults to info.


The configured instance of the Slack Mock slackMock.instance object. This is the same object returned from require('slack-mock')(config). (Events API)

The events object mocks sending payloads from the Slack Events API to your Slack App.

  • send: function(targetUrl, body) Sends an HTTP request from the Events API to your Slack App target URL. Returns an immediately resolved Promise for easy chaining.

  • reset: function() Empties the events.calls array.

  • calls: Array An array of payloads received your from Slack app in response to an Events API POST.

    • url The url of the call that was intercepted.
    • params The response body as an Object.
    • headers The headers of the intercepted response as an Object.
    • statusCode The status code of the intercepted response. Only captured for immediate responses, not when using the response_url.

instance.incomingWebhooks (Incoming Webhooks)

The incomingWebhooks object mocks receiving payloads from you Slack App to all Incoming Webhooks at

  • addResponse: function(opts) Queues a response payload that Slack Mock will use to respond upon receiving a post to a registered endpoint. This method can be called multiple times. Responses will be used in a FIFO order. Options are:

    • url (String, optional) The Incoming Webhook URL your app will be POSTing to.
    • statusCode (Number, optional) The HTTP status code to reply with. Defaults to 200.
    • body (Object, optional) The response body to reply with. Defaults to OK.
    • headers (Object, optional) The HTTP headers to reply with. Defaults to {}.
  • reset: function() Empties the incomingWebhooks.calls array and clears any queued responses.

  • calls: Array An array of payloads received your from Slack app to an Incoming Webhook url.

    • url The url of the call that was intercepted.
    • params The POST body merged with any query string parameters captured from the intercepted request as an Object.
    • headers The headers of the intercepted request as an Object.

instance.interactiveButtons (Interactive Buttons)

The interactiveButtons object mocks sending and receiving payloads from Slack interactive buttons to your Slack App.

  • send: function(targetUrl, body) Sends an HTTP request from a Slack interactive button to your Slack App target URL. The body will include a response_url parameter. Returns an immediately resolved Promise for easy chaining.

  • addResponse: function(opts) Queues a response payload that Slack Mock will use to respond upon receiving a post to a registered endpoint. This method can be called multiple times. Responses will be used in a FIFO order. Options are:

    • url (String, optional) The Incoming Webhook URL your app will be POSTing to.
    • statusCode (Number, optional) The HTTP status code to reply with. Defaults to 200.
    • body (Object, optional) The response body to reply with. Defaults to OK
    • headers (Object, optional) The HTTP headers to reply with. Defaults to {}
  • reset: function() Empties the interactiveButtons.calls array and clears any queued responses.

  • calls: Array An array of payloads received your from Slack app in response to an Slack interactive button POST. This includes both responses to the original Slack interactive button request and requests to the response_url.

    • url The url of the call that was intercepted. For type response, this will be the endpoint in your Slack app used in the call to interactiveButtons.send, for type response_url this will be the response_url from the payload sent to your Slack app.
    • params The POST body merged with any query string parameters captured from the intercepted request as an Object.
    • headers The headers of the intercepted request as an Object.
    • statusCode The status code of the intercepted response. Only captured for immediate responses, not when using the response_url.
    • type Either response or response_url. Indicates how the call was intercepted.

instance.outgoingingWebhooks (Outgoing Webhooks)

The outgoingingWebhooks object mocks sending and receiving payloads from Slack Outgoing Webhooks to your Slack App.

  • send: function(targetUrl, body) Sends an HTTP request from an Outgoing Webhook to your Slack App target URL. Returns an immediately resolved Promise for easy chaining.

  • reset: function() Empties the outgoingingWebhooks.calls array.

  • calls: Array An array of payloads received your from Slack app in response to an Outgoing Webhook POST.

    • url The url of the call that was intercepted.
    • params The response body as an Object.
    • headers The headers of the intercepted request as an Object.
    • statusCode The status code of the intercepted response.

instance.rtm (RTM)

The rtm object mocks sending and receiving payloads from the Slack RTM API.

  • clients: Array An array of websocket clients connected to the mock RTM server. Ordered by connection time.

  • send: function(token, message) Returns a promise. Sends a message from Slack to the bot that connected using the passed authentication token.

  • reset: function() Clears the rtm.calls array. Reset will not stop the RTM servers or close any connections. To close the RTM connection to your bot, use the stopServer method.

  • calls: Array An array of payloads received by the RTM API from your Slack app.

    • message The message that was received by the RTM API as an Object.
    • token The token used in this message. This is the same token in your message payload. It can be used to call startServer and stopServer.
    • rawMessage The original String message received by the RTM API. Good for troubleshooting.
  • startServer: function(token) Given the access token your bot will pass in messages, will start a web socket server. A web socket server will automatically be created for you when you call using the token you pass in the request.

  • stopServer: function(token) Returns a promise. Given the access token your bot has passed in messages, will close the associated websocket server. This is handy for testing reconnection strategies by stopping the server, thus forcing a disconnect from your bot, then starting the server. It can also be used to clean up after a series of tests.

instance.slashCommands (Slash Commands)

The slashCommands object mocks sending and receiving payloads from a Slack Slash Command to your Slack App.

  • send: function(targetUrl, body) Sends an HTTP request from a Slash Command to your Slack App target URL. The body will include a response_url parameter Returns an immediately resolved Promise for easy chaining.

  • addResponse: function(opts) Queues a response payload that Slack Mock will use to respond upon receiving a post to a registered endpoint. This method can be called multiple times. Responses will be used in a FIFO order. Options are:

    • url (String, optional) The Incoming Webhook URL your app will be POSTing to.
    • statusCode (Number, optional) The HTTP status code to reply with. Defaults to 200.
    • body (Object, optional) The response body to reply with. Defaults to OK.
    • headers (Object, optional) The HTTP headers to reply with. Defaults to {}.
  • reset: function() Empties the slashCommands.calls array and any queued responses.

  • calls: Array An array of payloads received your from Slack app in response to an Slash Command POST. This includes both responses to the original Slash Command request and requests to the response_url.

    • url The url of the call that was intercepted.
    • params The POST body merged with any query string parameters captured from the intercepted request as an Object OR the response body, depending on whether this was a response or a new request using response_url.
    • headers The headers of the intercepted request as an Object.
    • statusCode The status code of the intercepted response. Only captured for immediate responses, not for using the response_url.
    • type Either response or response_url. Indicates how the call was intercepted.

instance.web (Web API)

The web object receives requests to the Slack Web API and responds with mocked responses.

This mock can be used both for the Web API and the OAuth endpoint ( It supports both GET and POST requests to all endpoints.

The call requires a token parameter either as a query parameter or in the POST body. This will be used to create an RTM server. See the RTM docs for more information.

  • addResponse: function(opts) Queues a response payload that Slack Mock will use to respond upon receiving a request to a Web API endpoint. Endpoints without a custom response will return 200 {ok: true}. A url parameter will be added to all responses from the method if the body contains ok: true.

    This method can be called multiple times per endpoint. Responses will be used in a FIFO order. Options are:

    • url (String, optional) Web API URL your app will be POSTing to.
    • statusCode (Number, optional) The HTTP status code to reply with. Defaults to 200.
    • body (Object, optional) The response body to reply with. Defaults to {ok: true}
    • headers (Object, optional) The HTTP headers to reply with. Defaults to {}
  • reset: function() Empties the web.calls array and clears any queued responses.

  • calls: Array An array of payloads received your from Slack app to a Web API endpoint. Each call will contain:

    • url The url of the call that was intercepted.
    • params The POST body merged with any query string parameters captured from the intercepted request as an Object.
    • headers The headers of the intercepted request as an Object.

instance.reset: function()

Resets all mocks. A convenience method for calling reset on individual API mocks.


A Slack API mocker for Slack bot integration tests.







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