If you want to run ML tools and their prerequisites/dependencies in your experimentation environment, what would be the shortest path? Here we collected examples of experiments that you can relatively simply execute even without experience in even installing Python.
First, let's go through some methods of executing the ML processes without preliminary installing prerequisites in your physical environment, like Laptop.
Machine learning cloud providers allow you using the most powerful models that might be quite impossible for you to run otherwise.
flowchart TB
subgraph provider[ML Cloud Provider]
service[ML Service]
laptop-->|Calling API|service
Use container images that already have such preinstalled software as Python, PyTorch, fastai, Pandas, Jupiter, etc.
flowchart TB
container_image-->|saved to|docker_hub
subgraph laptop[Your Laptop]
persistend_files[Persistent Files]
container[Disposable Container]-->|mounts|persistend_files
docker_hub[Docker Hub]
container-->|pulled from|docker_hub
subgraph container_image[Container Image]
Prerequisite for using this approach is Docker installed in Mac, Linux or WSL (Windows) environment.
When running on a local docker takes too much resources or too much time, an option might be running the load in the cloud.
flowchart TB
subgraph provider[Cloud Provider]
VM[GPU-Accelerated VM]
laptop-->|remotely control|VM
Prerequisite for using this approach is having installed tools for remote control of Cloud provider such as Azure.
Problem Class | Training/Inference | Environement | ML Toolset | Experiment |
LLM | inference | cloud | Gemini 1.5 | Section |
LLM | inference | cloud | Gemini 2.0 | Section |
LLM | prompt with image | cloud | Gemini 2.0 | Section |
Tabular | training and inference | docker | PyTorch, fastai | Section |
Tabular | training and inference | docker | PyTorch, fastai, Jupiter | Section |
visual | training and inference | docker | PyTorch Lightning, Jupiter | Page |
visual | training and inference | cloud VM | PyTorch Lightning, Jupiter | Page |
visual | training and inference | cloud VM | PyTorch Lightning, CLI | Page |